Vegetarians and vegans (106)

1 Name: Apprentice Chef 2006-02-21 15:00 ID:fT5xTQW7

Any others here?

Which is the better meat substitute, tofu or wheat gluten?

How are you getting enough protein/calcium/iron/B12?

Know any good recipes to share?

Let's have some tasty discussions about these, and other interesting topics.

45 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-01 16:26 ID:Heaven

How do you prepare frozen patties "properly"? I can't seem to find any extremely good tasting meals that I can have on a daily basis (e.g. enchilidas are good every once in ahwhile but you can't have them daily)

46 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-24 20:24 ID:dRIFFSif

Hmm, I'm a pseudo-vegetarian. If I look at the stuff I eat, I see that I almost never eat meat unless someone made it for me, out of politeness. "Veggie burgers" are nasty, so I don't eat those, and meat burgers are nasty too, so...Woot for unintentinal default vegetarianism?

47 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-25 21:42 ID:1dpDbwmT

I can maybe understand vegetarianism.

But Veganism is a strange religion.

It 'aint natural...

48 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-07-29 21:18 ID:VKdyN7y5

Vegans and vegetarians can go fuck themselves. They think they're so cool and in-tune with nature, but they're not fooling anyone.

49 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-02 04:07 ID:0UGHWRcA

50 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-03 00:20 ID:LV0Vtqbi


51 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-03 16:31 ID:411A2iyu

i 'm a vegetarian :)

haven't tried wheat-gluten... tofu is fine with me.
i get enough protein/calcium/iron/b12 from tofu and this vege-roll stuff thats porteiny... calcuim from the milk and cheese i consume plenty of... iron and b12... i don't know where i'm getting them from, since i don't eat anything in particular to make sure i'm getting them, but i am.
i have blood tests done occasionaly just to make sure im getting enough vitamins etc, and im never deficient in anything except sometimes i get slightly low in iron.

good recipes... ummm...a really simple but nice pie i make a lot lately is just mashed potatoes an sweet potatoes with peas, corn, and herbs shoved into a pie crust and toppd with cheese. fast, easy, nummy...and pie.

52 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-04 14:46 ID:1dpDbwmT


53 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-06 16:45 ID:LV0Vtqbi

"Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn. To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demiglace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living." - A. Bourdain

54 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-07 03:39 ID:4bASyx96

I like my steaks so rare it's against resturant regulations to serve it. Although tofu is good to, wehn it's in miso, or is in small pieces covered in enough sauce to make me forget it's there.

55 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-10 02:06 ID:XKwZpb2Z

I'm a (sorta) vegetarian because I don't like the taste of meat, plus raising animals for slaughter is bad for the environment anyway.. But I'm no animal loving hippy.

I do eat meat if it's served to me at someone's house or if it's a special occasion, but otherwise it's not part of my diet.. I REALLY dislike the taste of pig and cow... And chicken and turkey are dry and flavourless.

Anyway back on topic.. I don't normally eat meat substitute, but I do love these soy hotdogs made by.. "Presidant's Choice" I think. (I think that brand is Canadian only?)

Soy dogs are really good! :D I've also had some good soy burgers before too..

Basically, it's good unless it's made of ground up vegetables.. I once had vegetable hamburgers and they were NASTY. Stick to soy and tofu and shit. XD

56 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-14 19:38 ID:LV0Vtqbi


I completely disagree. A veggie burger made with shredded, fresh vegetables or a nicely spiced black bean burger tastes better than a soy patty ANY DAY.

57 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-16 15:53 ID:s8WRYxRX

>>56 totally. But overall, tofu is better.

58 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-21 00:30 ID:RLHGbcaT

>>56 post recipie

59 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-08-28 21:38 ID:gH3+EtU/

I agree. Please post a recipe. If you've got something good, we'd like to try it.

60 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-09-08 03:17 ID:01eFQSSs

another pescetarian here. my advice is to avoid meat "substitutes" altogether, as most veggie burgers/meal starters are pretty unhealthy and rarely taste like meat (in fact, you're lucky if they even taste edible). for protein i eat a lot of tofu, tempeh, and lentils. you can never fail with lentils. this is an awesome recipe for tempeh, even if it is a little hippie-ish.

61 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-09-18 05:46 ID:ftCV26zS

I used to be a vegan, but I fell back into eating meat... damn you pizza.

Lately though, I've noticed that meat tastes blander and blander (with the exception of salmon, for some reason), and I always feel bad when I eat it, so I might switch back.

I can't stand eating meat where anything close to a realistic depiction of the animal is on the packaging.

62 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-10-03 16:16 ID:jtBkP3Z+


I hear you, only I went back to vegetarianism from veganism. The vegan diet just doesn't seem as restrictive as everyone makes it out to be until you start missing pizza.

63 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-02 22:57 ID:wDjEFbx5

I've been vegan for 18 years and was vegetarian for 14 years before that.

Rather than looking for meat substitutes, I just eat a wide variety of food to make sure I get everything I might need, eg a good mix of proteins, carbohydrate, roughage, sugars, fats, vitamins, minerals or a good mix of leaves, stalks, roots, seeds, fruit, legumes, nuts, fungus. Too much of any one thing seems to engender problems eventually. Typical in the west is too much wheat and vegans can have too much soya. I never heard of too much rice, for some reason.

Protein, Calcium and Iron are easy to get with a balanced vegan diet like that, but vegan diet can be low in B12 without supplements. I took part in a study testing whether the body really needs B12, but never heard the results. Too much B12 can inhibit absorption of vitamin C. Too little is alleged to cause nervous problems ranging from numb limbs, shooting pains, even short term memory loss and anxiety. I experienced ALL of these before I discovered that, so now I take supplements, but I think the whole question is still uncertain. Vegan spreads and breakfast cereals often have B12 added and vegans can get vegan versions of it on the National Health in the UK.

<smug>I would eat animals if I had to, but I don't have to, so I choose not to be at the 'top of the food chain'</smug>

64 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-03 02:23 ID:qv+tQBGY

eat meat, God said it's good.

65 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-04 20:13 ID:1hggOrRw

God also says that masturbation, adultery, and many other joys of life are bad.

God is an ass.

66 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-06 21:20 ID:kqqgqt74

Gotta agree with you there.

I forewent pizza for my first year or so as a vegan, then realized I could ask for it with no cheese almost anywhere. I now enjoy pizza (though I discovered recently, you have to ask whether cheese is built-in to the crust or sauce... or if it's a big pizza chain you can probably find out on a web page).

But yeah. Cheeseless pizza kicks. Near here, there is even an Italian restaurant that offers a great vegetable pizza that actually comes cheeseless on the menu. And downtown there are a couple places that will use vegan soy cheese on request if you're into that sort of thing; I prefer no cheese to soy cheese normally myself.

67 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-07 11:44 ID:Heaven

This is a great example of vegan ridiculously. We'll decide not to eat cheese for no particular reason, and then inexplicably decide that we want to eat something which has cheese as its second major ingredient. Then we'll remove the cheese from it, and attempt to call the resulting product the same name as what it was called before the second major ingredient was removed.

If you're going to go through so much effort, try eating something else perhaps?

68 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-09 00:29 ID:kqqgqt74

Like I said, this Italian restaurant near my house offers a pizza (actually two) on their menu that has no cheese. I'm pretty sure it's not tailored for vegans, either. Cheeseless pizza is not so unheard of, it's no effort at all, and I see nothing ridiculous about it.

69 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-09 00:30 ID:Heaven

Oh, and I eat it because it's delicious. I sense an Apple Jacks commercial coming on here...

70 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-15 15:43 ID:pnzrN7qI

Not trolling just for curiosity.
In many food (like flour, tomato sauce, etc) there are insects fragments, water may have microcrustaceans.

This way it seems to be impossible to a human survive without eating animals (they are everywhere).

I know that a person more open minded wouldn't care about it but vegans are supposed to not use or consume animal products of any kind, how they deal with it?

Sorry if I offended anyone it was not my intention.

71 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-15 15:57 ID:Heaven

I guess we don't worry about it. I've never heard of that being raised as an issue.

72 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-15 17:47 ID:AH1uSYQq

I think that's a valid point to bring up.
For PETA members who don't want you to have pets because they believe it equates to slavery, there's the issue of animals used and killed in the process of making the wheat/corn/potatoes/drugs that they need to survive.

> ...PETA President Ingrid Newkirk made a statement that even if animal research produced a cure for AIDS, "we'd be against it."
> The Director of Research and Rescue of PETA at that time, Marybeth Sweetland, is an insulin-dependent diabetic, and has defended her use of the animal products (insulin) by saying she needs her life to defend the lives of animals.

To be brief, when a person holds two conflicting ideas in their head, they'll always find a way to rationalize it.
Everyone is a hypocrite.

73 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-15 18:21 ID:zUU6LE25

In other words instead of think and get a conclusion they get a conclusion and think how to defend it? Sounds like religions...

74 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-15 19:17 ID:kqqgqt74

While that is pretty hypocritical, we're on the food board, not the morality board. Let's talk about delicious vegan stuffs!

I just discovered something awesome. Spinach hummus sandwiches. Toast two slices of whole wheat bread, spread a little hummus on each one and put fresh spinach -- lots of spinach -- between them. Easy and delicious.

75 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-15 19:25 ID:uzYem2t4

Good point

76 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-17 22:16 ID:ljAQ/u6N


That must have been an old article if the PETA chief was using animal-source insulin. Hardly any insulin used by people nowadays is derived from animals--hasn't been typical for at least fifteen years. Insulin used by diabetics is almost all human insulin made by recombinant DNA and bacteria these days. No pigs necessary.

Oh, and I've been diabetic for more than fifteen years, so I know what I'm talking about.

To get back on topic, I enjoy tempeh. Very good steamed, stir-fried, and grilled, and according to an Indonesian friend, the proteins are dramatically more digestible than those in tofu. They've been partially broken down by the microorganism cultures they use to produce the stuff, or so I'm told; bear in mind, however, that this friend of mine is a tempeh-obsessed maniac, so his zeal may encourage him to exaggerate.

I like it steamed with broccoli, then tossed in coconut milk, chili, lime, and a hint of sugar, over brown rice. Flavorful and relatively healthy (provided you go easy on the coconut milk).

77 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-18 02:42 ID:Heaven

Man, I can't stand tempeh. But then, I've never prepared it as you suggest. It's so damn filling though -- one little square and I feel like I can't move :/

78 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-18 19:42 ID:ljAQ/u6N

If you can find a restaurant or a person to make it fresh for you, it's much, much better--my tempeh-maniac friend manufactures his own, and insists that the stuff sold in American supermarkets is basically inedible. If it's much fresher than that stuff, it's not bitter at all.

79 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-21 06:06 ID:zKFaaPgo

...I went vegetarian on a bet, once! I lasted a couple weeks with some other friends, and then it was Thanksgiving, so y'know.

80 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-12-21 18:08 ID:Heaven

Aw. You could've had some Tofurky :) Despite being the butt of so many jokes, it's actually pretty good.

81 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-01-30 16:52 ID:izxxO68c


<3 Tofurkey

My mom tried some other brand of vegetarian turkey, a quorn one, and I was like "DO NOT WANT." Tofurkey is way better.

82 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-02-10 23:49 ID:/AMRMwD8

meat tastes gross

83 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-02-11 12:00 ID:Heaven

That must be why nobody eats it. @_@

84 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-04-21 16:52 ID:RLHGbcaT

Quorn is by far the greatest meat substitute. I can't even tell the difference between it and chicken besides the fact that most of the fat from chicken is absent

85 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-04-25 05:17 ID:i8jNKQG3

Is it true that Tabasco sauce makes tofurkey dissolve and disintegrate instantly on contact? (;;o_o)

86 Name: sage : 2008-05-01 08:27 ID:B3pyT4Zj

I don't understand vegans. Chickens are there to be eaten!

87 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-05-10 09:48 ID:8ngJNouj

Quorn Turkey and Stuffing Slices are THE BEST. I seriously can't tell the difference. Well, either that or I've forgotten what real turkey tastes like...

Oh, can anyone help me with something? I really want to give up entirely on fish and chicken (already cut out red meat), but I'm anaemic, and my parents and doctor are adamant that unless I get my iron levels back up to normal, I should keep eating white meat at least. Any tips on getting enough iron?

88 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-05-10 17:41 ID:i8jNKQG3

>>87, it can be done.

Spinach and other green leafy vegetables are high in iron. Dried beans are equally high, perhaps higher. Soybeans contain significant amounts of iron though not every supermarket has uncooked soybeans. Unfortunately the human body does not absorb iron from vegetable sources as efficently as from animal sources, so you will need several times more.

Breads and pastries made with enriched wheat flour also contain significant amounts of iron because iron is added to bleached flour manufactured in the US.

May I recommend Google?

89 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-05-11 19:52 ID:Heaven

>>87 You should really consult a doctor on that, or a nutritionist at least.

90 Name: ure-kun : 2008-05-13 12:47 ID:UkHFAnzL

I'm not a vegan, but I rarely ever eat any meat. I mostly consume veggies.. However, in order for me to get my necessary meat intake, I eat cans of tuna.

So, I guess i'm not a "TRUE VEGAN"

91 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-05-25 03:23 ID:tkOcCdmZ

With the right stuff it's easy to get every nutrient you need as a vegan. Dark leafy greens have lots of iron, all kinds of legumes are full of protein/carbs/iron, and then there are supplemental cooking ingredients like nutritional yeast and texturized vegetable protein.

Food choices aren't restrictive at all. Grab some vegetable broth and some vital wheat gluten then bang! you have some seitan. Combine soy/rice-milk in a bowl with flour, get it to a thick batter, dip the seitan in it then roll the seitan in cornmeal+seasonings (I use garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne pepper, salt and black pepper). Pan fry that shit up in vegetable oil. It's called "Fake Fried Chicken" cuz it looks and smells like fried chicken but tastes like chicken fried steak. Serve with mashed potatoes and heaps of vegan gravy.

If you miss those fatty greasy southern style meals you used to enjoy as a meat eater, then check out this great cookbook:

It's out of stock right now but microcosm is on their shit.

92 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-07-30 10:49 ID:/69MfMpP

I'm a vegetarian but I hate vegetables.
So I basically live on cheese and sugar - I guess it's a medical miracle I'm still

  • not overweight
  • healthy
  • alive.

93 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-08-14 07:22 ID:C8671bXZ

That's dumb. At least pop a good multi-vitamin (not too mention an assload of supplements like iron) and get lots of grains, nuts, and fruits in there.

94 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-08-19 21:16 ID:4MkG8vnw

>>93 Mh, Id do eat fruits, but nuts? Meh.
I had too little iron in my system several times (amkes you feel dizzy and gives you a headache, very unpleasant).
What's a good source for iron?

95 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-08-20 17:41 ID:Hv7jELUW

96 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-08-22 00:24 ID:Hv7jELUW

I'd like to recommend as a resource for meat-eaters to understand veganism from a practical standpoint. Maybe you can even try a vegan meal yourself. :)

97 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-08-27 19:42 ID:Heaven


>Ultimately, living with compassion means striving to maximize the good we accomplish, not following a set of rules or trying to fit a certain label. From eating less meat to being vegan, our actions are only a means to an end: decreasing suffering.

I understand what they mean.

>What we choose to eat makes a powerful statement about our ethics and our view of the world -- about our very humanity. Whenever we choose not to buy meat, eggs, and dairy products, we withdraw our support from cruelty to animals, undertake an economic boycott of factory farms, and support the production of cruelty-free foods.

This too.
But honestly, I don't see life this way. Nature has made carnivorous, herbivorous and omnivorous beings (amongst others, of course). And "mother nature" IS cruel. They're speaking about ethics and view of the world; it's okay for them to say they don't want to eat animals and enforce this by not eating animals. But the form of logic they are using is just one step from saying "you eat meat so you have no ethics and a wrong view of the world". Which is totally untrue. Also, there are many other ways of "changing the world" and "assessing your view of the world" or whatever, and there are today many more important topics to cover at short term.

>Other pamphlets around the site.

Okay, I understand your point of view. You think it's cruel killing animals, and that agribusiness is horrible. I can agree with the latter; there are times when things go too far.

But then again, it's not that way that things will change. Humanity stopping making war is an utopia already; humanity stopping eating meat and drinking milk is a joke. If I was to fight agribusiness I'd find other ways. Making documentaries, going political and trying to change things through the political way, going lawyer and finding flaws from which I'd attack industries, or brandishing a torch and burning down buildings (that's for the most fanatical out there). Stop eating meat and drinking milk? Not gonna achieve anything, and is going to frustrate me because I love meat and milk (and eggs too).

Then again, we're talking about agribusiness. Artisanal food prepared by farmers? I have not even the slightest remorse. Oh, I'm french, by the way, so as you may know I have a heavy culinary cultural background... and you won't make me feel bad for eating some foie gras - even if the method is, I recognize, a bit cruel. And no, I'm not an horrible person unable of compassion.

98 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-09-07 05:20 ID:PbkyiMTE

I've been vegetarian for seven years; I've tried being vegan on and off over the past couple of years, but that never panned out for me (I always ended up eating pizza or something else with dairy in it).

However, I am starting to give veganism a second look, as well as other diets such as fruitarianism.

99 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-09-19 21:56 ID:Heaven

LOL, I have never met a compassionate vegan. They're the most awful people to hang out with. If they really cared about lessening suffering, they could try being nicer to other people.

100 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2015-11-05 09:44 ID:HxqzDH5m

"Vegetarian hot dogs found to contain traces of meat and human DNA" (News Source: Science Alert)

101 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2016-01-16 18:16 ID:Nw+7mb4l

i've been vegan for about 3 and half years now. I just take a normal adult multivitamin every morning (which everyone should do, whether or not they eat animal products). never had any malnutrition problems. healthier than ever. :)

102 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2016-02-06 11:29 ID:1dGGAd26

"Here's what fruits and vegetables looked like before we domesticated them" (Article Source: Business Insider)

103 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2016-04-19 11:28 ID:Ze8wQdoK


104 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2016-05-13 13:58 ID:XrS6Fx8p

"DNA from humans, rats and other animals found in some veggie burgers" (News Source: Fox News)

"Clear Labs"

106 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2021-02-10 18:38 ID:Msuveyda

vegans are heinously anus

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