Microwaving an egg without exploding it (16)

1 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-06-01 04:57 ID:DI0yO5ai

And other pointless kitchen exercises

  • Break one or two eggs into a bowl, beat and salt/pepper
  • Get a saucer or other small plate, put some oil on it and spread with a spoon or brush
  • Pour egg plate, microwave on high, watch closely
  • When a small ring of cooked egg forms around the outside, stop cooking and use a fork to break up the ring and pull the pieces into the center, then resume cooking
  • Continue breaking and mixing as more egg is cooked
  • When there is a very small amount of liquid egg left, remove it from microwave. If you time it right, residual heat should finish the cooking without drying out the egg.

Try it! Reasonably tasty scrambled egg and no pans to wash.

2 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-06-01 21:56 ID:GCejESPz

Here comes another one

  • fill a glass with vinegar and put an egg inside
  • wait for two or three days
  • you have a bouncing egg

try to do it, it's easy and extremely funny

3 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-06-01 23:48 ID:Heaven


is it edible

4 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-06-02 06:57 ID:GCejESPz

don't think so

5 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-06-03 04:34 ID:MIen5wlZ

lol but it's funny so I guess that's kewl

6 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-06-03 05:59 ID:o6hFogwX

Very interesting! I'll try that some time.

7 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-08-12 21:18 ID:lU6jjord

omg, bouncing egg?... Why? How?... I'm gonna have to try both 'exercises' :P

8 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-08-20 13:12 ID:X4x82ZJ6


9 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-08-25 02:26 ID:b59ecSgo

>>4 edible yes, palatable no

10 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-08-27 06:30 ID:FTQwz/4H

>>2 does it have to be ahrd boiled; if so, do you remove the eggshell before putting it in the vinegar? (that's probably the stupid question of the year, but I had to be sure before I do someting really stupid...)

11 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-08-27 11:15 ID:xxwZKbl6

It should be hard boiled beforehand if i'm not mistaken, and you shouldn't remove the shell.

12 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-08-31 16:31 ID:7WzKpdxt

Here's how to do it: http://www.asontv.com/products/965683739.html


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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| EGGU |

13 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-09-10 15:47 ID:X4CFArWq

no no you don't need a hard boiled egg. just put a normal egg in the vinegar

14 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-09-13 15:32 ID:6Ej1emCZ

lol i remember that. It worked sometimes but most of the time you'd get nasty runny egg

15 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-19 02:02 ID:+Pt9Zict

OK NOW there's a HUGE mess in my microwave, because...

I exploded an egg because I thought it would be funny

I wasn't sure how to clean it up, so I ezploded a potato, too.

Then I melted my mattress in the microwave.

What do I do now?!?

16 Name: pen : 2007-01-13 22:19 ID:vy4JHcj5

>>15 wow, you must have a huge microwave, or a small mattress

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