I had chicken donburi, once. (9)

1 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-08-24 17:23 ID:Heaven

I was sick for two whole days.

2 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-08-24 18:00 ID:Q2nAHcOE

I once ate salad while traveling in Bulgaria. Althought the outcome the day after didn't smell (nor look) so good, I felt just fine. Another familiy member was sick for a day. I guess my relaxed attitude toward hygiene leaves me with a stomach that can take some beating.

That was the best tasting sallad I've ever had.

3 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-08-24 18:44 ID:JkuwYTCE

I got the stomach flu (which led to nervous gastritis for 6 months) by drinking Starbucks coffee.

4 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-09-18 20:34 ID:i2LVNxrj

Probably not. Most Virii are destroyed at the temperatures coffee is served.

5 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-09-20 19:44 ID:Heaven

>>4 'Virii' is a fake latin plural. See http://www.straightdope.com/mailbag/mplurals.html .

6 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-05 01:24 ID:i2Bo1Uaa

Bad coffee gives you bad runs until you're thin and pale

7 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-05 01:26 ID:qf5nNJck

Caffeine gives you runs. Bad coffee just tastes like crap.

8 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-06 05:08 ID:7/OtURO4

Because it is crap! LOL

9 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2006-12-10 09:01 ID:wzPav+/8

A guy that works near me was gone for almost 2 weeks, and came back a bit too thin. I asked him about it later, he admitted it was bad coffee.

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