New Experiment!! You must try this!! (16)

1 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-02-27 19:03 ID:S+k0k49q

I bet some of you already know this but as it is the best experiment ever I thought it would be nice.

What you have to do is just mix some cornstarch whith water in a preferably big container. You'll get some kind of dough. Ok now touch it. Well, funny isn't it? But now punch it with all your strenght. Now that's funny!

It is simply one of the funniest things I've ever done.

2 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-02-28 23:32 ID:qY7mM4qq

Lol, you can watch your fist sink into the goopy stuff moments after your wrist shatters from the initial resistance.

3 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-02 00:10 ID:Heaven

What is "cornstarch" ?

4 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-03 18:22 ID:Heaven

5 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-04 05:34 ID:xGRJh+K6

6 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-05 18:02 ID:Heaven

I did google it already. However it looks like nothing I know (except that kind of corn flour we call Maizena around here - even though Maizena is a trademark - but I don't remember it having those properties).

As we are in /food/, I thought it would be appropriate to ask for some discussion about that. Enlighten me. What do you do with cornstarch, except silly experiments, puddings and biodegradable blu-ray discs ?

7 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-05 19:30 ID:xGRJh+K6

Biodegradable Blu-ray discs?

Anyway, corn starch is usually used as a thickener. It has no flavor but it congeals when heated so it makes mixtures thick. You can also use it to coat things that are sticky, like dough, so they are easier to work with. Some people use potato starch.

8 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-06 23:09 ID:OWcQBtAa


>Biodegradable Blu-ray discs?

That's what Wikipedia says. Wikipedia is always right.

9 Name: fehC soumynonA : 2007-03-23 13:52 ID:DehJYlhp

Not exactly right... users there can always edit it to something false. so some 3rd grader could get information that babies come from ministore down the street... poor 3rd grader,,

10 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-23 18:51 ID:ecckeppZ

That was actually irony.

11 Name: fehC soumynonA : 2007-03-24 10:52 ID:NH4ppRyh

my bad...

12 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-24 16:28 ID:ecckeppZ

Plus, babies do come from that ministore down the street. Gee, how wrong can one be...

13 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-25 05:16 ID:ZEMCcwe/

Playing with dilatant fluids, eh?

14 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-26 10:40 ID:1LClYyRW

Cornstarch and something else is used to make bio-degradable plastics, I saw this at a science show on tv ages ago, and I've heard it from plenty of other sources, wikipedia excluded as I've never felt the need to look up cornstarch on it.

15 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-27 01:01 ID:qY7mM4qq


16 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-27 06:51 ID:ZEMCcwe/


They make disposable eating utensils out of potato starch, so I think corn starch is an equally plausible material.

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