Your ideas on an island favorite. . .SPAM! (9)

1 Name: Spam Otoko <3 : 2007-03-04 05:02 ID:4x8gtkn6

Oh man, I just love it, though I have to eat the turkey spam or low sodium spam, since our family is really health-conscious.

Best quick food recipe for spam is to either dice or slice fried spam, and put it over rice ^__________^

2 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-04 23:40 ID:Heaven

crush some smarties into a fine powder, mix into the spam, fry it in vegetable oil, yumyum

3 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-05 18:03 ID:Heaven

Spam cannot enter my house because of all the filters I've installed.

4 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-09 01:41 ID:XoNs/bQW

The closest thing I know to a healthy way to eat Spam is to slice it up and stir-fry a little Spam with a vegetable dish.

I've heard this is very popular in Hawaii.

5 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-11 02:07 ID:zzn23XYR

I haven't heard of a spam stir fry. Popular ways to serve Spam in Hawaii are to make it into hamburger patties and put brown gravy and a fried egg over top (Loco Moco), slice it into noodle soup (Saimin), or wrap in a manner similar to a very large piece of nigiri sushi (Musubi.)

Usually there is a double scoop of macaroni salad on the side, for even more grease intake.

6 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-18 16:48 ID:ZlLQaHBT

Two words: Spam Musubi. It's awesome. Saimin is also awesome too.

7 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-03-21 04:10 ID:sZSwx/Y8

This sounds like a Samoan Plate Lunch.

8 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-07 18:53 ID:SWARmoxB

spam musubi all the way. it's filling, portable, and very unique since it blends the japanese onigiri and american spam.

9 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-07 21:21 ID:sHxo3oe+

>>3 Roffles!

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