Cheez Balls Petition (3)

1 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-20 05:49 ID:KGfDCfdk

It has been recently come to my attention that about 3 years ago, planters discontinued their line of cheez curls and cheez balls snacks.

I really love these snacks, and I'm sure many other people do too. I'm sure if more people were aware, more can be done to possibly get these snacks back.

2 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-20 15:28 ID:Heaven

You should exercise

3 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2007-06-22 02:15 ID:6nChr0Dp

>>1 wut.... did they really? I thought I saw them in the store just last week... Oh well, if they really have discontinued them I hope they bring them back

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