Chocolate coronet (20)

1 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-21 12:01 ID:Z2MbbqWC

Does anyone made your own pastry of this type?

I've done mine with Pilsbury croissant bread and homemade chocolate ganache.

2 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-21 16:04 ID:s6LfTkGL

Also, which end is the head and which end is the tail? :3

3 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-23 19:02 ID:xi6uAbk5

I love that joke!

4 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-06-26 22:47 ID:goPACQpz

the "tail" is at the end, because as a cone-shaped mollusk grows, the tip gets longer. The second reason that the "Tail" is located at the tip is that the mollusk can be seen at the opening or "mouth" of the shell, giving the illusion that the tip would be the "tail"

5 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-09-19 22:40 ID:Heaven


6 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-09-22 11:58 ID:PCME/90q

What if the shape was compared to lets say a pyramid? The head would be the pointy end of the coronet, wouldn't it?

7 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-09-22 12:07 ID:fiGCuaXo

If the shape were compared to my moe drill, it pierces the heavens with its head, therefore the tip is the head.

8 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-09-23 16:35 ID:ctzYZuuG

The poo comes out the big end, so the small end must be the head.

9 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-09-24 03:42 ID:Heaven

That's the most rational analysis I've seen so far.

10 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-09-25 13:07 ID:Heaven

lolol lucky star is sooo kawaiii desu ne~

11 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-10-01 00:32 ID:D1hs7xl/

so does anybody have the recipe???? i've seen these, but sadly, the chocolate part is in japanese - bread - custard

12 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-10-01 18:46 ID:Heaven


You can buy them at grocery stores. They're just another french pastry.

13 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-10-14 08:33 ID:4U8/Sy7G

thanks! made a great cornet out of this recipe!

14 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-11-14 19:34 ID:Heaven

>>13 just one? WTF

15 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-12-19 03:06 ID:fQFnuVLw

Perhaps it was very big.

16 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-12-22 04:28 ID:b5y3jcsi

The chocolate cornets you get at conbini are nothing special. These days, double chocopan is where it's at. But you have to be careful. If the conbini owner notices you buying too much chocopan, you'll be blacklisted.

As for you, >>1, you should just stick with meronpan.

17 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-12-25 21:03 ID:be1rVsyc

>>16 has the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality down pat.

18 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-01-02 11:55 ID:fiGCuaXo

Why would you be blacklisted for giving a shop business. :3

19 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-01-02 14:27 ID:Heaven


Because you just don't get it.

20 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-05-13 04:13 ID:FkZm4Ovz


Then learn Japanese.

or learn2search


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