What's there to eat in middle eastern cuisine? Good meat? Could someone recommend something please?
Food in the Middle East? What?
East Indian food is one of the best, in my opinion. If you like curry, fried bread, and spicy food, it's the BEST!!!!
Cous cous, Tajin (arab stew > europe disgusting stew), Fish, etc etc.
Couscous is the delicious.
Real couscous is better.
couscous is bleh
I don't know how couscous could be fake. But I did have couscous on two seperate occasions, one with a Moroccan family and another at a restaurant. Doesn't taste as good as rice, and is much more difficult to handle.
>>9 how is it difficult to handle?:s. Don't eat it with your hands (traditionally) use a spoon, or something lol. That's what i do. I eat couscous weekly at a moroccan friend and it's HEAVEN! yummy:) (homemade store couscous sucks)
but maybe you just don't like it, could be possible.
Real Moroccan couscous doesn't happen outside Morocco, there are many grades and sizes of couscous and the sandy-grained stuff found in stores and other places is crap in comparison.
Basically it's all semolina anyway, but there's good couscous and shitty commercial couscous.
falafel pita?