Middle Eastern Food (12)

1 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-11-20 06:07 ID:a/L/uOfr

What's there to eat in middle eastern cuisine? Good meat? Could someone recommend something please?

2 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-11-20 10:09 ID:VzTdmKRe

Food in the Middle East? What?

3 Name: AnonymousMan7 : 2008-11-30 08:08 ID:D8ldOzFp

East Indian food is one of the best, in my opinion. If you like curry, fried bread, and spicy food, it's the BEST!!!!

4 Name: sageking : 2008-11-30 21:16 ID:Heaven

Cous cous, Tajin (arab stew > europe disgusting stew), Fish, etc etc.

5 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-11-30 22:32 ID:jwYVtRSC

Couscous is the delicious.

6 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-12-02 23:38 ID:wZz6spga

Real couscous is better.

7 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-12-05 05:40 ID:M1ret5Ng

couscous is bleh

8 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-12-06 08:33 ID:wZz6spga

>>7 has never had real couscous.

9 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-12-07 08:09 ID:g0u24Gwy


I don't know how couscous could be fake. But I did have couscous on two seperate occasions, one with a Moroccan family and another at a restaurant. Doesn't taste as good as rice, and is much more difficult to handle.

10 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-12-09 01:51 ID:q2THhN4Z

>>9 how is it difficult to handle?:s. Don't eat it with your hands (traditionally) use a spoon, or something lol. That's what i do. I eat couscous weekly at a moroccan friend and it's HEAVEN! yummy:) (homemade store couscous sucks)

but maybe you just don't like it, could be possible.

11 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2008-12-10 15:45 ID:wZz6spga

Real Moroccan couscous doesn't happen outside Morocco, there are many grades and sizes of couscous and the sandy-grained stuff found in stores and other places is crap in comparison.

Basically it's all semolina anyway, but there's good couscous and shitty commercial couscous.

12 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-09-02 20:33 ID:ZqancpfZ

falafel pita?

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