The shamwow guy is back on TV advertising the SlapChop. In case you haven't seen the ad, watch it here:
I remember getting a similar product at the mall five years ago, but it was hard to clean and didn't really chop very well. But from the looks of this commercial, it solved the first problem by making it cleanable, and turned the second problem into an advantage -- you can chop an onion, but the skin comes off whole.
But I'm still wary, because I notice that the website has an order form right on the front page, but hides the shipping and handling at the bottom. It's advertised at $19.95, but the S&H bring it up to $27.90. And who knows what other catch there might be.
Anyone here get one? What's it like?
well from what I have heard the shamwows don't work like they are supposed to so I can only assume this wouldn't either
what about the Billy Mays slider station?
God that guy is ugly.
you're gonna love my nuts.
Ikea has a model for ~$10
Never buy infomercial shit.
If you are in the US--and I claim no knowledge of whether this phenomenon exists elsewhere in the world, though I suspect it does--you can have your pick of last year's infomercial kitchen gadgets from any Salvation Army or similar thrift store, priced very inexpensively.
For such tasks, I, personally, keep coming back to a very ordinary knife. The only kitchen gadget I use regularly is a plastic "mandolin" slicer, for which you can search in Google, as it is so useful for slicing onions very very quickly.
Double Superior version
You can buy it for much cheaper at Walmart or Target.
I got two at recently. Haven't tried to chop anything yet because I'm afraid my tuna will be too exciting.
Sounds like something Butcher Pete would use.