Growing Mushrooms (3)

1 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-11-10 10:55 ID:vV4MQnNJ


Has anyone here ever tried growing their own mushrooms? I love a nice fat portobello or a slimy shiitake. I've grown mushrooms and I have experience drying and storing mushrooms. Let talk about setups and experiences!

2 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-11-10 17:32 ID:yjdU3bSt

Oh, oh, teach me! I heard how to grow some mushrooms that grow in dying trees, but besides that I have no idea.

3 Name: Anonymous Chef : 2009-11-17 01:36 ID:7rRb7vCJ

My room mate in college owns a big-time mushroom farm near San Francisco. He grows shitakes, oysters, king trumpets, button, etc using bags of sawdust. He'd grow 'em at our place sometimes.. he'd just set the bag of sawdust (with spores) outside his window and eat the mushrooms a couple weeks later.

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