Another Warning Forever Thread (77)

32 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg!!muklVGqN 2005-08-30 19:59 ID:Heaven

Name	Score		Stage	Dead	Time
1 lolocaust 0028631400 20 9 09:49:59
2 lolocaust 0026026400 19 11 08:38:10
3 lolocaust 0022789600 18 8 08:50:00
4 lolocaust 0022108100 17 11 07:20:00
5 x68000♪ 0020344500 17 8 08:20:00
6 Alexander 0019434800 17 5 09:20:00
7 RyoOhki 0017302400 16 9 07:39:06
8 Alexander 0017039300 16 3 09:30:00
9 dmpk2k 0007701000 12 9 05:49:28

How the hell can people afford dying that much with scores like that?

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