Linux MMORG's (23)

13 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-08-22 02:31 ID:1ybpeZ4v

I don't play MU* any more; they're a waste of time. Most MUSH are dead, and MUDs attract the wrong kind of player.

I have played several MMORPG, and they were uniformly a travesty for RP. They're pretty hack'n'slashes, and some are even fun, but anyone who claims they contain decent RP probably cannot write and do not have a creative bone in their body (just look at >>7). So it shouldn't be MMORPG, just MMO.

heal plz
u got z/platinum/gold/silver/credits/etc?
o shit
u stole my <insert here>!
fuck u
wut lvl r u?
ur a <insert here> whore!

Unrelated topic, but since you asked, now you know.

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