High quality images of game covers? (5)

1 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-10 00:34 ID:wndGfDcv

Does anyone know where I can download high quality images of official/custom game covers?

2 Name: Sakurina!hb3hogbZLc 2005-09-11 04:35 ID:Heaven

I would recommend cdcovers.cc personally.

3 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-26 18:28 ID:8kTA2hdq


4 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-26 19:19 ID:Heaven

>>3 is so DQN it's not even funny.

5 Name: THRILLHO 2005-09-27 15:20 ID:db27ea8/


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