Has anyone played this game? I'm not through it yet, but it is incredibly engaging. I got it for my gf, because she's into electronic music, and yet, I, the unrepentant metalhead, find myself playing this game a lot.
It looks kind of short, but what's cool about it, is you can keep on playing the tracks, to push your score higher. The music ain't half-bad either.
I got it cheap, and while it wasn't bad by any means, it didn't really keep my attention either. I played it for a bit, and got distracted by something else.
The Freezepop song is a big win, though.
>I got it cheap, and while it wasn't bad by any means, it didn't really keep my attention either. I played it for a bit, and got distracted by something else.
Currently my attention is on two games, and this is one of them. It seems like the kind of game I can come back to, for a hour or so of fun gaming. Kind of like Devil Dice. I still love that game. I don't play it all the time, but I enjoy playing it.
We really should try multiplayer though.
>The Freezepop song is a big win, though.
That is a good song. I'm currently looking into the rest of their work, mostly for her. ;)
Frequency is cool, although I mostly play Amplitude. I don't like the change from a barrel-shaped field to a flat one, though... It's virtually impossible to get from the right side of the song to the left side in a hurry, and that blows a lot of good combos.
> The Freezepop song is a big win, though.
Freezepop rocks. Their song in Amplitude is super addictive.
The rounded field is horrible for multiplayer, especially combined with a hill it makes it literally impossible to read the edges sometimes