Solitaire to overtake CS:S, WoW on XFire (3)

1 Name: Anonymousous 2006-02-10 04:26 ID:3ApeQAX/

Not sure if this goes in Games or Net Culture. (Both?)

Apparently somewhere on the internet, someone has organised a plan to take World of Warcraft and CS:S out of the top 2 and replace the number 1 spot with with... Solitaire. There seems to be no reason for this at all.

Any morons who want to participate:

  1. Download XFire. (a game-related IM client)
  2. Load up XFire.
  3. Open up solitaire and let it idle.
    3b. Start any game up and then open solitaire.
  4. Let it idle, or play whatever game was first opened.
  5. Profit.

Feb 8, 2006 - Solitaire defeats Battlefield 2 for number 3 spot.
Feb 9, 2006 - Solitaire defeats CounterStrike: Source for number 2 spot.

Only 3,000,000 minutes of Solitaire is required at this moment to defeat WoW. I think it might take from a day to a few weeks to get enough people to defeat WoW. If anyone here, no matter how much life you have (since you don't have to be present when it counts the minutes) would like to contribute to this big number, take action now and support a ridiculously stupid cause. Drama whores and trolls withhold your reactions unless they are incredibly entertaining.

2 Name: THRILLHO 2006-02-11 20:53 ID:dPf/J+7r

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3 Name: THRILLHO 2006-02-12 00:19 ID:Heaven

Wow! Just... wow! I´ll get right on it.

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