BattleField2 (25)

1 Name: THRILLHO 2006-02-26 08:12 ID:Rgxh42OI

Follow me!

2 Name: THRILLHO 2006-02-26 12:32 ID:8h+zzec2

No way, men

3 Name: THRILLHO 2006-02-26 12:48 ID:WLnKUjDU


4 Name: THRILLHO 2006-02-26 13:09 ID:B+lcUgTo

Get Ammo! Here!

5 Name: THRILLHO 2006-02-26 18:23 ID:BrkF41zH

I have never had much interest in Battlefield 2, mainly because it has the most generic name ever.

6 Name: THRILLHO 2006-02-27 00:01 ID:QSefzm72

I thought about buying it but heard they gimped aircraft

7 Name: THRILLHO 2006-02-27 00:47 ID:+5JcwWb5


i read on 4chan since they have many bf2 threads there that they released a patch that fixes some of the plane flaws. or something since wernt people able to shoot them out the sky with ground weapons and stuff..

8 Name: THRILLHO 2006-02-27 02:02 ID:Heaven

Artillery fireing

9 Name: THRILLHO 2006-02-27 11:58 ID:TGy63CLH

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       | APAM!APAM!ammmo!ammo!Hurry up!
       \_____  ________________
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10 Name: THRILLHO 2006-02-27 13:11 ID:D56CeqhD

runs around whipping medic bags at people at high velocity FIRST AID, HERE. CRACK ... bzzt Alright buddy, you're good to g-- FIRST AID, HERE. CRACK ... bzzt Alright buddy, you're goo-- FIRST AID, HE...

11 Name: THRILLHO 2006-02-27 13:15 ID:Heaven


They didn't gimp the aircraft. You can still avoid AA if you're a good pilot. However for helicopters the AA is mundane - if you get lock-on in a helicopter you may as well eject.

All they really did was make the AA stronger, which TBH was excessively weak and inaccurate pre-1.2. A pilot could avoid the AA with little effort and go the entire round without a scratch.

Only thing I really hate is the no-firing-while-jumping. I mean, seriously, I wouldn't have hated it so much if they simply had made the accuracy awful while jumping, but no firing while jumping means I can't throw medic/ammo bags very far anymore. I also can't throw C4 over walls either, which pisses me off as that was my main way of taking out tanks - getting C4 on them from behind a wall. It's also really difficult to take out a bridge now while a fight is going on - unless you suicide it you're not going to get enough C4 on it before dying.

12 Name: THRILLHO 2006-02-27 13:54 ID:Heaven


I find that people who play medic are more helpful than those who don't play medic.


13 Name: MJP@work!.NK7VIATZo 2006-02-27 20:05 ID:A3JiZzeu

I want to get into BF2, but I don't know if my laptop can handle it... 1.6 Centrino with 512 mb DDR2, Radeon X300 64mb onboard... think it can take it with shadows off and modest detailing?

14 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-03-01 17:44 ID:oa2repph


If you want to play it on "low" and have everyone look like a stick figure... sure!

15 Name: bubu : 2006-03-03 14:34 ID:Heaven

the game itself was and is, technically speaking, a horrible mess, and keeps getting worse with every "fix" they release.
the gameplay side of things was great in the beginning, but has been ruined by a totally inbred "playerbase" of mongoloid chickenfucks - and by EA actually listening to them when it comes to "game balance fixes" to go into the patches.
it's basically the same as CS now.

16 Name: bubu : 2006-03-03 14:37 ID:Heaven

those specs are below the minimum requirements.
better luck next time!

17 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-03-06 03:38 ID:NAjuJ3ig

no way men

18 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-04-20 08:49 ID:S3ahNQWt

Good work men.

19 Name: Mr. Spec Ops : 2006-05-28 23:13 ID:GlObXztD

hey i need a ride!

20 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-05-30 06:38 ID:ppZtQc2x

Enemy boat spotted.

21 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-06-01 08:32 ID:GlObXztD

artillery in your area!

22 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-06-01 14:00 ID:gRnkb8wL

Jihad Joe! The American Hero!

23 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-06-01 15:31 ID:VtvzxbMA

I delight in glitching, nothing better than ending a game with no kills or flags yet having 80 points.

24 Name: Mr. Spec Ops : 2006-06-05 05:04 ID:+/0szAxK

Have you guys downloaded the patch 1.3?

25 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-06-15 19:13 ID:EsO89bjx

I love the fact that the ticket allocation seems to be entirely random and based on no actual statistics at all.

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