Perplex City (13)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-07-02 21:06 ID:ltTEKXWl

Has amyone played this game before? It's fun. Mainly focuses on a cube heist in Perplex city. You solve riddles on trading cards and go to to enter your answer. Solve all 256 cards and you will be able to have a full map of Perplex City AND the whereabouts of the cube. You also have to visit fake websites affiliated with the plot of Perplex City and send REAL EMAILS to the characters and even call phone numbers and get text messages and emails. It's fun, but very hard and challenging. Also, I need info on more active ARGs, preferrably international ones, seeing as most city exclusive ARGs take place in 'frisco.

12 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-08-23 18:10 ID:Heaven

Same dumbass

13 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-08-25 15:59 ID:Heaven

Same dumbass

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