old games that SHOULD have a remake (270)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-09-04 00:13 ID:saZ2CZH8

We all know that lately game companies are running out of/too lazy to come up with original ideas for games and have been chugging remakes and sequels.

I say they should remake Super Smash TV

213 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-01-08 04:25 ID:4+/JCzXF

I just didn't like it. I thought it was "meh". This comes from someone who LOVED the VI. And seeing people blabbering about FFVII all day long when it was, well, "mostly okay", made me hate it. Also OLOL FFVII IS THE FIRST FF BECUZ THE PLAYSTATION IS THE FIRST CONSOLE EVER AMIRITE? Fucking all great-public-marketing and console starting to mix with computer games (not in the right way) started at that time.

FFVII had the materia system for it, and that's about it. It wasn't that great. Get over it. FFVIII, however cliche'd and short it was, had better writing and a more interesting universe.

214 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-01-08 12:34 ID:zlOdjpya


You're right that FFVII is kind of over-hyped. Despite that it was a good game. It had a really engaging story, great characters, and of course the gameplay and graphics was revolutionary. Credit where it is deserved, y'know?

FFVIII was good, and original (first time to ever try portray photo-realistic humans in a RPG, I believe), but for whatever reason, albeit the confusing plot or the junction system, it just wasn't popular, and only in recent years have people come to realise what a great game it was.

And, I see what your getting at with that little "FFVII IS THE FIRST FF BUCUZ..." thing, but for alot of people it was the first game, Europe didn't get any FF games until VII came along, because Square just didn't see it as being profitable to release those earlier RPGs.

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