Let's trade FF3 friend codes! (867)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2006-11-20 23:47 ID:Jzgi2Dln

253 487 549 051

618 Name: Wyatt : 2009-06-05 05:21 ID:khzDsb54

mines 451157857637 i need that iron golem

619 Name: Boredastits : 2009-06-07 14:45 ID:ajZEdwoy

I can't get a single person to add me, all these codes are like from a year ago. Someone help me out please. 107494507095.

620 Name: piCrs : 2009-06-08 00:27 ID:vML92eWK


621 Name: C-Love : 2009-06-10 04:06 ID:DhCkpgSq

056042125891....please help!!!!

622 Name: C-Love : 2009-06-10 04:08 ID:DhCkpgSq

056042125891....please help!!!!

623 Name: C-Love : 2009-06-10 04:10 ID:DhCkpgSq

cass16x@gmail.com if you add me

624 Name: ninja : 2009-06-10 23:23 ID:g+ZEyJBy

need help with onion knight would appreciate the help

625 Name: DjTyf0on : 2009-06-13 21:01 ID:p91cECwx

ok i added Bob.
ninja, beat the bombs inside the cave you started the game in
to get the onion knight class.

626 Name: ninja : 2009-06-17 04:52 ID:31cuMhmD

who needs help with onion knight willing to trade friend code

627 Name: oni : 2009-06-17 04:58 ID:31cuMhmD

hey c-love my code is038863761612

628 Name: oni : 2009-06-17 05:03 ID:31cuMhmD

boredastits my code is038863761612

629 Name: tucan-sama : 2009-06-17 18:24 ID:lRVkoiGq

hey oni, C-Love and Boredastits, i just added you my code is 472654277691

630 Name: Lolz ftw : 2009-06-17 19:35 ID:1ebft1tO

Oni, and tucan sama I added your friend codes, mine is 210662584226

631 Name: fudgyvmp : 2009-06-18 14:08 ID:daILZZ7l

hey send me letters 365281549443 i want that onion knight

632 Name: upsboy007 : 2009-06-18 14:26 ID:daILZZ7l

my number is 365281549443 Lolz ftw , tucan-sama , oni , and ninja , and C-Love i added you to my list, could you do the same so i cn get the onion knight and you all can too?

633 Name: tucan-sama : 2009-06-19 01:03 ID:shp15IYH

added fudgyvmp and Lolz ftw stay in touch

634 Name: crazedyote : 2009-06-22 12:36 ID:TqSBuafB

added tucan, lolz, and fudgy
my ffc is - 519901233209
pls add me also you can twitter me if your on.

635 Name: crazedyote : 2009-06-22 15:03 ID:TqSBuafB

FC is 5199 0123 3209 pls let me know if you add me crazeyote@gmail.com

636 Name: anonymous : 2009-07-05 18:38 ID:LABs74l+

mine's 506 999 240 205!

637 Name: saturnine : 2009-07-06 14:37 ID:KtTg2Mh1

fc: 408219818924 i'll add you guys that have posted within the past month or so :)

638 Name: Joeramos : 2009-07-07 01:25 ID:ORWeuWwj

Added: saturnine, anonymous post 636, crazedyote, upsboy007, Lolz ftw, tucan-sama, and oni. Add me: 214961883003.

639 Name: Joeramos : 2009-07-07 01:46 ID:ORWeuWwj

Let me know if you add me here.

640 Name: Joeramos+ : 2009-07-07 02:11 ID:ORWeuWwj

Or you can contact me via myspace in my Joeramos+ Link.

641 Name: Joeramos+ : 2009-07-07 02:15 ID:ORWeuWwj

if it works like I think it will...if not, just go here...www.myspace.com/joesdarklittlecorner

642 Name: Joeramos+ : 2009-07-07 02:24 ID:ORWeuWwj

Last but not least, I am always on MSN Messenger and frequently check my email inbox. little-joe-ramos(at)hotmail(dot)com
and I sometimes check my Yahoo Messenger but not my email inbox so send me an offline message. littlejoeramos(at)yahoo(dot)com

643 Name: Joeramos : 2009-07-07 03:02 ID:ORWeuWwj

I have added the following. Please, contact me.
Boredastits, Wyatt, bubba, Garret, chris, Bob, Eddiethehead, BIGDADDY, Stella, DjTyf0on, Mack, Ari, X, Ryan, zapbrk, manny, mnh, ellwynd, someone..., mando3820, and Frank. My list is now full. Please, contact me.

"iii" 214961883003

644 Name: brett : 2009-07-07 23:19 ID:rGowyQaB

i 100% need someone to add my code asap. respond if u want me to add urs too.


645 Name: Joeramos+ : 2009-07-08 05:14 ID:ORWeuWwj

Add me, brett. I just now added you.

646 Name: Joeramos+ : 2009-07-08 05:16 ID:ORWeuWwj


647 Name: Nick : 2009-07-08 17:44 ID:4YNH+Qtt

yo brett I added you, now add me 253616290030 if anyone else wants to add me, you can

648 Name: Nick : 2009-07-08 17:46 ID:4YNH+Qtt

hey joeramos+ add me too, i already added you

649 Name: Joeramos+ : 2009-07-08 18:53 ID:ORWeuWwj

I added you, Nick. What time will you be on? It's 1:51pm here right now.

650 Name: brett : 2009-07-08 19:03 ID:rGowyQaB

alright nick and joer, ur added

651 Name: Joeramos+ : 2009-07-08 19:08 ID:ORWeuWwj

brett I'm online now. Get on.

652 Name: Joeramos+ : 2009-07-08 19:14 ID:ORWeuWwj

Check your mail and reply back.

653 Name: Nick : 2009-07-08 19:56 ID:4YNH+Qtt

hey any of you guys online ?

654 Name: Joeramos+ : 2009-07-08 19:58 ID:ORWeuWwj

I am. I'm at the Sunken Cave levelling up.

655 Name: Joeramos+ : 2009-07-08 20:06 ID:ORWeuWwj

How did you manage to send me two messages? O.o?

656 Name: Nick : 2009-07-08 21:09 ID:4YNH+Qtt

um you send a message save and then turn your DS off, go to main menu and change the time by an hour!! ^_^ how many messages, have I sent 7 yet?

657 Name: Joeramos+ : 2009-07-08 21:11 ID:ORWeuWwj

Send me one more and it'll be 7. I'm off to rescue the kids! =D

658 Name: Joeramos+ : 2009-07-08 21:18 ID:ORWeuWwj

I gots me onion knights! Hooray!

659 Name: Nick : 2009-07-08 22:08 ID:4YNH+Qtt

Nice, I still didnt get the fourth mail from the topapa guy :(

660 Name: Nick : 2009-07-08 22:14 ID:4YNH+Qtt

what lvl and what jobs are your people?

661 Name: Nick : 2009-07-08 22:16 ID:4YNH+Qtt

before onion knight if you didnt change them all to that?

662 Name: Joeramos+ : 2009-07-09 00:53 ID:ORWeuWwj

My characters are:
Lvl 43 Luneth Job lvl 54 Knight
Lvl 43 Arc Job lvl 7 Magus
Lvl 43 Refia Job lvl 7 Devout
Lvl 43 Ingus Job lvl 65 Dragoon

663 Name: crazedyote : 2009-07-09 15:29 ID:TqSBuafB

trading mail signatures, and helping out.
fc- 5199 0123 3209
also can email me at crazeyote@gmail.com

664 Name: doomslayer : 2009-07-11 06:50 ID:jDO3x2kL

(update) i will not be playing anymore as i got a PsP and had to give my DS to my sister. thank you

665 Name: Leora : 2009-07-13 05:01 ID:+8HHFkhf

My characters are:
Lvl 44 Luneth Job lvl 99 Geomancer
Lvl 44 Arc Job lvl 1 Ninja
Lvl 44 Refia Job lvl 1 Sage
Lvl 44 Ingus Job lvl 73 Night

Friend code: 038868424631

666 Name: Elijah : 2009-07-13 21:48 ID:lG+2MpXJ

Hey Leora i added your friend code

Add me anyone and email:

Friend code 09028355802

Email: sniperlord25@yahoo.com

667 Name: Joeramos : 2009-07-14 03:34 ID:ORWeuWwj

All my characters are level 63 now...still have 36 more levels to go...

668 Name: Joeramos : 2009-07-15 09:58 ID:ORWeuWwj

Just reached level 70 for everyone. I'll gain 10 levels a day from now on. The fastest way I found to level up is to use Raze on the monsters in Bahamut's Lair. I timed that method and the Greater Demon/Iron Claw method and the latter takes 3 times as long...Happy grinding!

669 Name: Ben : 2009-07-15 15:11 ID:JqCL3s9u

2233487663057 is mine. Please add me, I really want the Onion Knight :D

Just got a Job level 99 Warrior (warrior?!?! lol) today.

My characters:
Level 58 Luneth Warrior 99
Level 57 Arc Summoner 38
Level 58 Reifa Devout 42
Level 58 Ingus Ninja 45

And yes,I beat the CoD.

670 Name: Joeramos : 2009-07-16 10:02 ID:ORWeuWwj

Luneth LV. 83 Knight 99
Arc LV.83 Magus 99
Refia LV. 83 Devout 99
Ingus LV. 83 Dragoon 99
I should be LV. 99 starting to train Onion Knights for everyone by the end of the day. Haven't challenged Cloud of Darkness, yet...cause I wanna go "Chuck Norris on steroids, on roid rage, on Gears of War steroids, on Gears of War steroid roid rage, and all on even more roid rage" on her ass!

671 Name: cob : 2009-07-17 20:35 ID:TWdGri8u

my friend code is 034574690559 please add me to your list ill be on at 4:00 central

672 Name: Joeramos : 2009-07-18 07:15 ID:ORWeuWwj

All characters are level 93 now. The experience I need to get seems to skyrocket...I'll definately reach level 99 starting Onion Knights next time I get on here.

673 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-07-19 01:23 ID:BWQq9oqI

So I just popped in Final Fantasy 3 for old times sake so who wants a letter?

3351-5196-7062 (US)

674 Name: Joeramos : 2009-07-19 05:51 ID:ORWeuWwj

Just reached level 99! Whew! Glad that's over with. Now, for Onion Knights...

675 Name: Kot - Ek : 2009-07-20 09:45 ID:QHFYw4JL

My friend code is 4855 1933 3819. I want beat Iron Giant and I want get the Onion Knight. Please add me. My email is

marcinsniady@gmail.com :)

676 Name: Kot - Ek : 2009-07-20 09:48 ID:QHFYw4JL

My friend code is 4855 1933 3819. I want beat Iron Giant and I want get the Onion Knight. Please add me. My email is

marcinsniady@gmail.com :)

677 Name: Joeramos : 2009-07-20 19:54 ID:ORWeuWwj

Level 70 Onion Knights! Almost Mastered! Add my code above. Then, let me know what time you'll be on. I live in the Central time zone, so be sure to tell me in that time.

678 Name: Joeramos : 2009-07-20 19:56 ID:ORWeuWwj

Level 80 Onion Knights. Oops.

679 Name: Joeramos : 2009-07-21 00:39 ID:ORWeuWwj

All done! Characters level 99 and Onion Knights 99. Beaten Cloud of Darkness. No more playing for me. Next game!

680 Name: Kot - Ek : 2009-07-21 09:37 ID:QHFYw4JL

I live in the Warsaw time zone. Is there somebody from europe ??

681 Name: Some Guy : 2009-08-03 16:48 ID:A+O63D+5

add me as well.

any random junk msg will do. :)

0732 3358 3101

682 Name: Tucker : 2009-08-06 18:18 ID:/2PlVzNE

2750 9734 2723

add me :U

683 Name: ASilver : 2009-08-19 03:35 ID:+b14ylBF

Please help me out and I'll do the same!
Friend code: 2708 0469 5061

684 Name: tyuiop211 : 2009-08-23 23:07 ID:3yTuVgvB

i'm gonna be on tonight my friend code is 515615952571

685 Name: tyuiop211 : 2009-08-23 23:08 ID:3yTuVgvB

i'm gonna be on tonight i need ultima weapon and onion knight plz

686 Name: Luke : 2009-09-07 04:41 ID:6Tq8BVP6

Please add me 1075 9885 2091

687 Name: Jenny : 2009-09-14 13:08 ID:krYJmg0v

My friend code is 2407 4390 8087
Add meh, thanks!!!

688 Name: Anonom : 2009-09-26 02:41 ID:fMGJDHeU

how come all of your codes don't work????? mine is 274990481558

689 Name: me : 2009-10-14 06:10 ID:+QMVt7pM

hey anonom and jenny. add me. i added you. lets get this working

mine. 227863167830

690 Name: me : 2009-10-14 06:15 ID:+QMVt7pM

anonom didnt work. jenny and luke did though. add me please. see above. i'm me

691 Name: me : 2009-10-14 06:44 ID:+QMVt7pM

zexymanbest @ hotmail.com . send me your friend codes and add me anybody 2278 6316 7830

692 Name: tauqmuk : 2009-10-20 14:19 ID:wpKC1JpY

Friend code: 2708 1360 6077
Add me and send a message I'll respond

693 Name: Tauqmuk : 2009-10-21 15:25 ID:wpKC1JpY

Friend code: 2708 1360 6077
E-mail with your friend code and tell me what time you'll be on. I'm usually on between 10am-noon CST

694 Name: flowsthead : 2009-10-22 19:44 ID:KIwvex4e

hey flowsthead@gmail.com
my friend code is 4253 9961 9590
I added tauqmunk.
Anyone else want to add me and ill add them?

695 Name: hihhhh : 2009-10-25 17:56 ID:bDX5LnP7

my friend code is 141965284907 add me and tell me codes so we can get onion knight

696 Name: Blaize : 2009-10-30 04:16 ID:gvNC/cvb

Friend code: 3 9 9 6 6 4 0 5 1 4 9 6

send me an Email at Firewings_master@yahoo.com if you add me, and I'll do the same.

697 Name: Leetard : 2009-11-01 15:50 ID:2m7Nm0tR

My friend code is 1204 9163 0991.
Can't anyone though, just says there is an error. What's the problem?

698 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-11-03 07:02 ID:hpui7ym1

Friend code: 1847 7105 5807
>>691 >>692 >>694 >>695 >>696 added

699 Name: Fegs : 2009-11-14 23:02 ID:AEv2VIfo

i want to do all the side quests, but i need friends!!!

friend code is: 253 637 516 541

please add and mail me :)

Oh my email is: jamesgoswell@blueyonder.co.uk, I'll reply to any mails you send as often as possible

thanks guys!!! (and gals!!!)

700 Name: jonc : 2009-11-29 04:14 ID:GicLCw/s

mine is 262138987613 yours worked

701 Name: jonc : 2009-11-29 04:28 ID:GicLCw/s

sorry it last are 7513 not 7613

702 Name: jonc : 2009-11-29 04:45 ID:GicLCw/s

my friend code 262138987513 please add me it a u.s. version

703 Name: Toddle Pie : 2009-11-29 10:34 ID:aXF0Prtl

Mstery google led me here

704 Name: jonc : 2009-11-29 21:38 ID:raZO7/FW

my ff3 friend code is 262138987513 plz add so we can onion knight

705 Name: jock : 2009-11-30 00:19 ID:Apj02IYt


706 Name: jock : 2009-11-30 22:27 ID:Apj02IYt

scrap that it is now.


707 Name: raven : 2009-12-04 06:37 ID:rvr9DGKQ

my fc 180625841375

708 Name: Cameron : 2009-12-10 13:38 ID:+MC4quew

my friend code: 1806 2670 0947
add me plz so that I can do the master smith quest

709 Name: Ryan : 2009-12-12 10:44 ID:lsv+W1Af

^^ added

My friend code is 3393 8902 4464

trying to do the Onion Knight quest as well as the Smith Quest.

I will respond to every mail sent.

710 Name: jonc : 2009-12-20 00:53 ID:vqTZulOX

add me plz 262138987513 fc: leave a message that you have it and fc (fc = friend code)

711 Name: Ben : 2009-12-28 07:03 ID:zeynzv7D

my friend code is 373902154214

Please add me to fc I am going to add the previous few people also. Thx. And good luck.

you can also email me to give me your fc and I will add yours. email is argyris@live.com

712 Name: Paul : 2009-12-30 08:50 ID:jYw5gP34

Hi, my fc is 257940033048, added 711, 710, 709, 708, 707, 706, and 698. Thanks.

713 Name: Paul : 2009-12-30 09:00 ID:jYw5gP34

FC is: 1579 4003 3048

711, 710, 709, 708, 707, 698 and 695 added. Thanks

714 Name: Marlon : 2009-12-30 22:49 ID:WJpPiY/I

hey i added 713, 711,and 710. my fc is 172040033467. u can also contact me at bobmentos(at)hotmail(dot)com. i check my email everyday so hit me up!

715 Name: Marlon : 2009-12-30 22:51 ID:WJpPiY/I

my code is 172040033487 sorry. add me!

716 Name: Marlon : 2009-12-30 22:53 ID:WJpPiY/I

paul ur fc isnt working

717 Name: Marlon : 2009-12-30 22:55 ID:WJpPiY/I

o neva mind got it

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