Action Replay MAX JAP? (2)

1 Name: キテツ : 2007-01-15 10:48 ID:sUTCV+SD

Right now i'm on a search for JAP regional-type codes for Action Replay MAX (specifically for a version of Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne). The reason for that is because AR MAX is the only game enhancer i have with me, and other products like GameShark can't be found when i had the chance to shop for such a thing.

Recently, my search is frustrating me. The "official" AR MAX website, only has 5 sets of codes for JAP games, which i felt was extremely racist/slothful. I also hoped for some codes in this forum: , but it doesn't really want anymore members and anons looking at their stuff.

So does anyone here know a website containing a list of JAP AR MAX codes extensive enough for the game i specified? If not, that'll be fine... I'm not expecting to have great results with each try, as i seem to be laden with bad luck in searching.



2 Name: ranshiin : 2008-01-02 17:30 ID:yTuBHS96

try this forum it contains some jap on ar max but for sure more than codejunkies (it's about 40 - 60 games

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