I personally think they should release the game in the US....any opinions or info?
I recently heard that you should send an email to Sqaure Enix cuz they're taking names and seeing how much of a demand there is outside of Japan...
here's the email address:
i got this info from: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070529092908AAfjzPZ
i personally think the entire staff of square-enix should commit suicide.
i personally think buying a game all over again for 5 bucks worth of new textures, cutscenes, and movies you could see on youtube for free is beyond epic fail.
>>4 I bought it to see what all the hype was about. It's actually 2 games in one: Kingdom hearts 2 (final mix +) and Re:Chain of memories. So it's worth it to buy if you want to play chain of memories, but hate the gameboy, like me. Instead of annoying pixel sprites, Re:CoM is fully 3-d. of course it still has the shitty card battle system, so it's a fail in that sense.
>>5 well, in regards to CoM, it was a bitch to play on an emulator, so I gave in and baught it for the GB, and it was 10 times better. Still the prospect of having the game in full 3d does sound nice - you can tell they were planning this from the opening of KH2. personally, i think the CB system along with full 3d movement would be a little overwhelming...