Help a non-gamer understand (30)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2007-11-18 16:16 ID:1r6F+0uv

I'm not trying to troll. I did manage to play a few games in my day and even completed one of them without cheating. The ones I liked the most were Stunts, American McGee's Alice and Need for Speed something. Other than killing time I truly can't understand gaming as a hobby. So you fire up a computer or a console and kill pixels and polygons in a scripted game and invest about 50 hours at least into it? Or play an online game for 70* hours of not so exciting gameplay just to level up a character? I don't get it...

I used to play Albatros18 online golf game and it was fun. Is that truly the only answer? If so - I should learn to loosen up a bit and learn to have fun.

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