Everytime we get stuck in a game we post in here (43)

16 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2009-08-23 19:08 ID:Mej9pfOD

>>15 There's also a trick on a certain map in Verdant Terra (I think that's the name). Whatever stage where there's a rabbit-man who levels up every round. Defeat all the other enemies, then let him level up for a while. After a while he'll be taking more and more turns to your 1 so it speeds up. Once he's really high level, you do a neat trick. You have to have a guy with Big Bang, and then just throw an item right next to the rabbit and confine him. Big Bang always does set damage regardless of defense, and the rabbit has no way to heal himself so he'll have as much health at level 999 as he did at 10 or whatever. Blow it up, receive hundreds of levels. It kind of breaks the game a little though because then you can just rely on one character for the rest of the game.

I did it to a Slime because they're cute ( ゚ 3゚)

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