sup. I'm new here, just got banned from 4chan for the 7nth time and just freaking quit that site. this place seems nice, read a few of the post and they seem to be well thought out, not mindless key-pounding. Not shure if i can post this here, but I couldn't find the general board.
Questions? Comments? Rage?
Next, go to 7chan and make a thread saying that you are a 4chan refugee trying to escape the retardation of niggertits (4chan).
Post a motivational while you're at it, they aiwolfing love those.
Also, don't forget to call Homocide a faggot. That'll get you more accepted because everybody on 7chan hates him.
I am forget.
Bonus points for anyone who plays the role of a convincing girl. During my brief stay at 7chan, Ian gave admin to at least three self described females. Ian is almost as big a faggot as Kirtaner. Trust me, OP, the text boards aren't the place for you and whether you like it or not, 4chan really is the best of the imageboards.
why in gods name is this in the Games board.
I don't know, but it's probably best to assume that OP is a retard.