let's get 1000 by orz!!!!!!! (1052)

1 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-18 17:04 ID:RaaqyV1g [Del]

orz if u plz

808 Name: Squeeks!!XjdwLWBy 05/01/29(Sat)17:32 ID:79vkyiqh


Sling posted that 5:10 his time, 13:10 UTC time. Thus Sling is in GMT -8, which is West Coast USA.


809 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/29(Sat)20:40 ID:099gjYD3

That would be ok IF I was talking about THIS planet's time.
Ho Ho Horz - puny humans!

810 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/29(Sat)20:43 ID:099gjYD3

P.S. There's a lie in the above, somewhere. orz

811 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/29(Sat)21:04 ID:Heaven

>>808-810 makes no sense


812 Name: cyrilthefish!ljAhqzG3aU 05/01/29(Sat)22:40 ID:LZD49bON

i wonder what timezonorz this server is on?

this message posted at 22.40 GMT


813 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/29(Sat)23:30 ID:Heaven


writing a parody script for http://dmp.encapsulated.net/

it sucks


814 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/01/30(Sun)12:17 ID:pGpln/eA

I haven't posted in this thread in ages... orz

815 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/30(Sun)12:36 ID:Heaven

I can't think of anything witty... orz

816 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/30(Sun)12:47 ID:Heaven


You need to implement that auto-archiving feature for threads that reach 1000, otherwise this will look pretty dumb in about 185 posts. orz

817 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/30(Sun)14:15 ID:FXIPeEL1

1000? Not quite. orz

818 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/30(Sun)14:30 ID:Heaven

Have no kareha threads reached 1000 before?

819 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/30(Sun)18:35 ID:DnelTnA9

let's get 1000 by orz minna-san!

820 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/30(Sun)20:24 ID:Heaven


Nope. The first thread in the English 2ch-based communities than reached 1000 was a "Let's get 1000 by sage only" thread on 4chan.


821 Name: orz 05/01/30(Sun)20:41 ID:Heaven

but 4chan was using shiichan, wasn't it?

822 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/30(Sun)20:47 ID:qWYmoIqi

Which number was reached by 4chan?
Maybe we could go and beat that number.

cc: orz
bcc: borz

823 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/30(Sun)21:30 ID:Heaven


That's why I said "nope". orz


Threads are automatically archived once they reach 1000 on Shiichan, just like with the 2ch script.

824 Name: 821orz 05/01/30(Sun)22:08 ID:Heaven

Ah. Does Kareha do something similar?

825 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/31(Mon)06:31 ID:Heaven

my unix box keeps dumping corz...

826 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/01/31(Mon)12:55 ID:JqGCFSN7

Kareha actually just starts bumping threads when they hit the threshold, like Wakaba and Futaba do, except the threshold is 1000 by default.

This because I was too lazy to make up any new code. orz

827 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/31(Mon)13:09 ID:Heaven

> starts



828 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/31(Mon)14:36 ID:kEY1WHLo


829 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/31(Mon)14:57 ID:qWYmoIqi

>the threshold is 1000 by default.


830 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/31(Mon)17:04 ID:Heaven


831 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/31(Mon)19:05 ID:RC/jnB6G


832 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/31(Mon)19:14 ID:srR8Qn5A


833 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/31(Mon)23:23 ID:Heaven

orz if u plz

834 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/31(Mon)23:28 ID:RC/jnB6G

i hello thorz

835 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/01(Tue)01:42 ID:rzmM2b3c

Let's go my fellow 4-ch'ers
Let's go to the divine land of the 1000 orz.

836 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/01(Tue)04:11 ID:eUS7Lakf

<---(Mecca of orz) orz

837 Name: Anonymous!3HvYs9fYPg!!jHlguvSq 05/02/01(Tue)05:25 ID:Heaven


838 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/02/01(Tue)06:19 ID:RC/jnB6G

while (!(1000*orz)) {

839 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/01(Tue)13:20 ID:S/7+Ux8x



840 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg!!muklVGqN 05/02/01(Tue)15:31 ID:fmQUTlXD

Did I coin the term


or did I just hear it somewhere?

841 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/01(Tue)19:28 ID:Heaven

Everybody's talking about the orz~!

orz orz orz orz orz orz orz orz orz orz orz orz orz orz orz

842 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/01(Tue)19:45 ID:uot6eSBb


843 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/02/01(Tue)19:48 ID:Qw7AeZRM


844 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/01(Tue)21:50 ID:mVU4OF+C

o >>r z

845 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/01(Tue)22:45 ID:Heaven

>>q r z

846 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/01(Tue)22:56 ID:Heaven

847 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/02(Wed)01:15 ID:YSmJ570G

848 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/02/02(Wed)02:53 ID:Qw7AeZRM

849 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/02(Wed)04:33 ID:Heaven

850 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/02(Wed)04:40 ID:Heaven

851 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/02/02(Wed)15:52 ID:SpQmP4le


852 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/02(Wed)18:14 ID:H/G+s6Uc

IIChan will orz in VERY SOON!

853 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/02/02(Wed)19:23 ID:SpQmP4le

$160 USD - did I say dollars? I meant dorzlars

854 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/02(Wed)21:01 ID:GKRPXaVu


855 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/02(Wed)21:53 ID:Heaven


856 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/02/03(Thu)03:59 ID:SpQmP4le


857 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/03(Thu)04:32 ID:H/G+s6Uc

by the authorz of "Let's go n by only get!!!" and " Let's get 1000 by Oppai Oppai"

858 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/03(Thu)13:54 ID:Heaven

daily orz

859 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/03(Thu)16:05 ID:Heaven


860 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/02/03(Thu)19:55 ID:gQ/Ka0vp

860 gettorz

861 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/03(Thu)20:02 ID:Heaven


862 Name: JISAKU JIEN 05/02/03(Thu)20:13 ID:Heaven

In A.D. 2101, orz was beginning.

863 Name: JISAKU JIEN 05/02/03(Thu)20:13 ID:Heaven

Captain: What happenorz?

864 Name: JISAKU JIEN 05/02/03(Thu)20:14 ID:Heaven

Mechanic: Somebody set us up the orz.

865 Name: JISAKU JIEN 05/02/03(Thu)20:14 ID:Heaven

Operator: We get signalorz!

866 Name: JISAKU JIEN 05/02/03(Thu)20:14 ID:Heaven

Captain: Whattorz!

867 Name: JISAKU JIEN 05/02/03(Thu)20:15 ID:Heaven

Operator: Main screen turn orz!

868 Name: JISAKU JIEN 05/02/03(Thu)20:15 ID:Heaven

Captain: It's yourz!!

869 Name: JISAKU JIEN 05/02/03(Thu)20:16 ID:Heaven

CATS: How are yourz gentlemen! All your orz are belong to us. You are on the way to destructorz.

870 Name: JISAKU JIEN 05/02/03(Thu)20:16 ID:Heaven

Captain: What you orz!!

871 Name: JISAKU JIEN 05/02/03(Thu)20:17 ID:Heaven

CATS: You have no chance to survive make your orz. Ha ha ha ha...

872 Name: JISAKU JIEN 05/02/03(Thu)20:17 ID:Heaven

Operator: Captainorz!!

873 Name: JISAKU JIEN 05/02/03(Thu)20:18 ID:Heaven

Captain: Take off every 'orz'!! You know what you orzing. Move 'orz.' For great justice.

874 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/04(Fri)01:53 ID:Heaven

a thread full of spammorz...

875 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/04(Fri)01:54 ID:Heaven

For great justorz.

876 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/04(Fri)05:17 ID:dz4AMqf5


877 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/04(Fri)07:58 ID:Heaven


878 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/04(Fri)09:11 ID:Heaven


879 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/02/04(Fri)13:19 ID:gQ/Ka0vp


880 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/04(Fri)20:07 ID:dOkP8uEO


881 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/02/04(Fri)20:33 ID:JqhxI8Tn

Old Norze

882 Name: JISAKU JIEN 05/02/05(Sat)01:39 ID:Heaven

Romeorz and Juliet

883 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/05(Sat)03:00 ID:Heaven


West + East


884 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/05(Sat)05:03 ID:/4RpJavU

omg sorz plz!!!!11

885 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/05(Sat)07:01 ID:Heaven

sakura worz

886 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/05(Sat)09:43 ID:Heaven


887 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/05(Sat)09:54 ID:Heaven


888 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/05(Sat)09:55 ID:Heaven


889 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/05(Sat)12:18 ID:Heaven


890 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/05(Sat)13:25 ID:Heaven

It's a lovely day outside.



891 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/02/05(Sat)14:44 ID:JqhxI8Tn

This is the Orz Collective
Prepare to be assimilated
We will add your biological and technological distinctives to our own
You will adapt to service us
Resistance is futile

892 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/05(Sat)19:31 ID:fDr8auRH


893 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/05(Sat)20:24 ID:Heaven


894 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/05(Sat)21:43 ID:3ij4wNmD


895 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/06(Sun)00:16 ID:Heaven

Igorz, fetch me a brain.

896 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/06(Sun)03:31 ID:Heaven

Yes, mastorz......

897 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/06(Sun)11:40 ID:Heaven


898 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/06(Sun)18:26 ID:Heaven

Doctorz Frankenstein

899 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/06(Sun)20:24 ID:Heaven

kusorz sure tatenna

900 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/06(Sun)20:25 ID:ZVOVf47i


901 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/02/07(Mon)00:09 ID:lzqUEouA

*Dial 901rz to access your Voicemail, key * and then 3.
Follow the prompts and record your message. It's easy to change it if you don't like it.

902 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/07(Mon)00:20 ID:Heaven


903 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/07(Mon)01:06 ID:Heaven


904 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/07(Mon)02:48 ID:Heaven

you've come a long way baborz

905 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/07(Mon)04:31 ID:Heaven

oh my goddorz

906 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/07(Mon)04:46 ID:AH+itGbP

for better or worz

907 Name: Random Anonymous 05/02/07(Mon)05:15 ID:Heaven

orz orz orz

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.