let's get 1000 by orz!!!!!!! (1052)

1 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-18 17:04 ID:RaaqyV1g [Del]

orz if u plz

814 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/01/30(Sun)12:17 ID:pGpln/eA

I haven't posted in this thread in ages... orz

815 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/30(Sun)12:36 ID:Heaven

I can't think of anything witty... orz

816 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/30(Sun)12:47 ID:Heaven


You need to implement that auto-archiving feature for threads that reach 1000, otherwise this will look pretty dumb in about 185 posts. orz

817 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/30(Sun)14:15 ID:FXIPeEL1

1000? Not quite. orz

818 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/30(Sun)14:30 ID:Heaven

Have no kareha threads reached 1000 before?

819 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/30(Sun)18:35 ID:DnelTnA9

let's get 1000 by orz minna-san!

820 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/30(Sun)20:24 ID:Heaven


Nope. The first thread in the English 2ch-based communities than reached 1000 was a "Let's get 1000 by sage only" thread on 4chan.


821 Name: orz 05/01/30(Sun)20:41 ID:Heaven

but 4chan was using shiichan, wasn't it?

822 Name: Sling!myL1/SLing 05/01/30(Sun)20:47 ID:qWYmoIqi

Which number was reached by 4chan?
Maybe we could go and beat that number.

cc: orz
bcc: borz

823 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/30(Sun)21:30 ID:Heaven


That's why I said "nope". orz


Threads are automatically archived once they reach 1000 on Shiichan, just like with the 2ch script.

824 Name: 821orz 05/01/30(Sun)22:08 ID:Heaven

Ah. Does Kareha do something similar?

825 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/31(Mon)06:31 ID:Heaven

my unix box keeps dumping corz...

826 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/01/31(Mon)12:55 ID:JqGCFSN7

Kareha actually just starts bumping threads when they hit the threshold, like Wakaba and Futaba do, except the threshold is 1000 by default.

This because I was too lazy to make up any new code. orz

827 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/31(Mon)13:09 ID:Heaven

> starts



828 Name: Random Anonymous 05/01/31(Mon)14:36 ID:kEY1WHLo


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