ring ring ring
ring ring ring
ring ring ring
"Hi, you've reached the house of [some jerk]. I'm n-"
"Damn." hangs up
People don't seem to like talking to machines unless they're desperate to impart something.
People still use answering machines? I thought those died out with the eighties.
Not really physical ones anymore, but some service with the same function.
I have no problems with answering machines and I can see how they can be useful. I wouldn't get myself one, though, since I would feel like I was required to answer each call.
I use them, and I also get messages a lot. Sure it's frustrating to get one when you wanna talk to someone, but if you can't get in touch and need to tell them something... it's better than calling back every 2 seconds until they are home, or waiting for them to see you called and call you back to ask when you can just leave a message...
Voicemail is worse.
At least with an answering machine you can pick the device up, and promptly take your anger out on it. With Voicemail, the only thing you can do is called it a fucking dick, only to get "I'm sorry I couldn't perform your request. To hear the contents of your inbox..."
I use an answering machine to screen my calls. If they don't have something important to say, then I've got nothing to say back to them.
Minus points if I don't recognise the voice on the other end.
If that's the case, you may as well communicate by email, though.
i hate phones
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ring ring ring ring ring ring ring...
banana phone! ...lolol
Are there other ways for one to dodge creditors?
Leave your personal identification papers at your neighbour's house. Forge some legal name change stuff and also leave that at your neighbour's house. Next time they call you, speak in a foreign accent and tell them the previous owner of the house moved out. Give them your neighbour's address.
> Here's what I, Andy Breckman, like to do when a telemarker calls.
> Read it. Remember it. Then you do it too.
> Here's what you do: You pretend you're retarded.
> You talk slowly.. and slur your words.
> You pretend your parents left you home alone.
> Then you say: You promised your parents you wouldn''t talk to any more salemen, because YOU ALWAYS END UP BUYING WHATEVER THEY'RE SELLING!
> It drives them nuts. It's hysterical. They're always torn: they don't know whether to hang up or take advantage of a poor retarded kid.
> At least, it always amuses ME.