Okay, let's do this again, shall we?
This thread is supposed to serve as a general information and news collection for all things regarding the incident that happened on Tuesday, 1 June 2004 in Sasebo, Nagasaki.
If you don't know who this is about, I suggest you go here first:
For English news on the incident, go to http://news.google.com
Even though the incident has happened quite some time ago, you will still find some results from time to time for "sasebo girl"
http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/ also has a lot archived English articles. You have to search manually there, though, since the search results links expire after a while.
For Japanese news, go here:
A more comprehensive guide on Japanese news can be found by going here: http://ex10.2ch.net/news4vip/subback.html
then searching for "nevada" - there is usually at least one thread with collected infos and news.
Her original online diary can be found here:
Please do not fag this thread up and keep contributions useful for the most part.
/ \ Magical Throatcutter Girl NEVADA has 2GET!
/ ヽ >>1 Meet me later in the classroom!
./ ハ >>3 That is an es ee cee ar ee tee!
/ヘ/Nヘ /l /i /Nヘ/L | >>4 I almost vomited.
.イ// /ヘ/// / | | >>5 Taboo words!
| |i/レヘ/ l/|_l,// ! .|ト、i ト | >>6 Your parents shouldn't have existed.
| iルレ`ヽ | イ斗‐ |liレjヘ| >>7 Talking about me on the internet, aren't you?
| l!<´oヽ レr'o弌!|N/ヘ| >>8 You are not a cute girl.
>、lリレハ `¨ `¨ ノ 〈 >>9 I told u I was hardcore.
/ __rヘ 、, / , | >>10-1000 You are vulgar and foolish people!
| Y´ ヽ ー==‐ ノ ヽ トv-――-――-y―‐-、
/レヘ/ ノ ` ‐ r' ) .! | Y⌒ヽ__
/ \ / )/| ハ |_ _)ニニニフ
./ `´ lー―‐'
/ N E V A D A
Good link for a comprehensive information on the whole thing on Japanese:
Stoled from Shii's BBS:
This person translates diaries of Nevada and some other people, they have two entries translated already.
Shii recently linked this pretty comprehensive article in English from his site:
> Anonymous 06/13/05(Mon)15:11 No.1529994
> Her name in Kanji is 辻菜摘
As I understand, shii's going to close his site down in a bit but is willing to give away parts of his sites for "adoption". If anyone would be up for adopting the Nevada info site, that'd be cool.
Relevant thread on shii's BBS: http://bbs.shii.org/read.php/lounge/1119493404/
The Nevada sweatshirt is now one of the top-selling items on the Nevada Wolf Pack website, even moreso than their T-shirts.
"Top sellers" in their store
also, nchan.tk doesn't seem to be working... and i don't have time to try to fix it now, nor do i have internet access at home... the site is still available at http://nchan.freelinuxhost.com/
Unfortunately for that theory, the flash was made in 2003 and nevada didn't come along till 2004.
with Japanese names it's always 'probably'
the store no longer sells the sweatshirt, >>8
holy hell!
maybe they just took it down for the summer?
Or somebody tipped them off that they were selling psychokiller apparell...
boring but meh
Better than News4vip at the moment seems to be http://aa5.2ch.net/nanmin/ (outcast/refugee board)
Search for 長崎小6女児カッター殺人事件
Currently, they are at thread part 194:
Because shii.org expires on September 2nd, here's the new
url which shii.org/nevada/ is forwarding to at the moment:
Japanese site with a bunch of material:
First post in a few months.