Mental Illnesses (47)

13 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-07-19 02:31 ID:a64rFM9n

This is an old thread, but I'm bored and interested so gogo thread necromancy.

mental disorders (me):
Social Anxiety Disorder - 30mg Buspar twice daily
Depression and/or Bipolar Disorder (they haven't decided) - 20mg Lexapro daily
Sleep Onset Insomnia - 50mg Trazadone daily at bed
They're working on adding attention deficit disorder to that mix too (yay adderall!)

On the general subject, the meds are often helpful when it's the right med and there's actually something wrong. Unfortunately, the mental health care system has some serious problems, though it's getting better. (SSRIs are overused and often misprescribed, too many people get their psychiatric meds from a general practitioner who is simply not well educated in their proper application, this causes lots of medication imblance.)

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