Mental Illnesses (47)

9 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-04-04 16:28 ID:Heaven

Well, I'm anxious-avoidant as well. (Due to practically being raised in the middle of a jungle.)

My mother is freakin' Paranoid. (People come in and steal things at night! Like my can of soda!)

And, recently, my younger brother lost it.

My parents blame it on him staying up all night either playing video games on the computer, or playing PS2. He just snapped one day saying there was something wrong with him, that he was hearing voices, seeing things, etc.

We took him to a hospital and they found nothing physically wrong with him, and then after two weeks of them keeping him there doped up on drugs doing various tests (2 spinal taps, MIR scans, blood, etc) my parents just decided to break him out.

It was actually quite funny. They just got him dressed and started walking him out of the hospital, and had actually got him out of the building before the doctors noticed. Though as soon as they did the doctors ended up calling security and the police, so they didn't gte away with it.

After that they sent him to a "Behavioral Research Center." That pretty much messed him up even more since they tried to get him to follow their commands, while he thought it was some sort of dream of something, and he wasn't used to the atmosphere. He actually tried to fight the doctors off...
After ~2 weeks of that, my parents finally got him out... So now he wanders around home talking crazy, though not as much as when he was at the hospital.

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