Everyone has'em. (Most of us anyways)
Whether it be something small like extending your pinky finger when you drink (Pip pip ol' chap!) or something else, like arguing with yourself!
Me? I argue with myself. I tear up easily reading/watching something emotional. I also think up possible stories while I'm in the shower. AND... I'm addicted to AA and flash games.
And you?
I think you belong here: http://4-ch.net/general/kareha.pl/1111611894
Posting to be masturbated to
oops owned by ID :D
I masturbate to JISAKU JIEN
I can't stand up straight. I'm always tilted a bit to the left or right.
I eat blankets when praised.
I make hand gestures when I talk, but they have little to do with what I'm saying.
I get emotional over happy stories but not tragic stories.
I wanna be masturbated to. :(
When I'm not supposed to do something I'm aware of myself being a biiig procrastinator, but forget about it when I'm supposed to do something.
/dqn/ is too DQN.
I find Japanese Internet memes irresistible and spread them like peanut butter.
I keep trying to apply *chan humor to real-life situations.
You too?
I also like inserting random snippets of l33t into totally serious discussions.
Spelling out "wtf" is much more work than just saying the words.
wuh teh fuh
Perhaps. It's not as explicit though, and your parents would have no idea what you're talking about if you use it around them.
Correct pronunciations are "wuhtuff" and "ohmguh". Note that ZOMG is "zahmguh" not "zohmguh". Also "stuhfoo", "gutfoe". LOL is of course "lol". ROTFLMAO is "rotfull mahw". And FNORD is "harbl".
>>25 is a teenybopper.
I like it when people kill each other. It makes me feel fuzzy inside.
I think you belong here: http://4-ch.net/dqn/