Or rather, I'm getting him tomorrow but I've been warned beforehand. Short, orange, and kinda angry looking.
Requesting name suggestions. Will provide pictures in my next post if wanted.
Requesting pics please
Has he come a long way, baby?
Or >>4.
>>8 ok
Also, I'm still undecided for a name.
That's not a cat, that's a rodent. Name it Moraler.
I dunno, call it tiger or something.
Yes, but since it's so young it's not too late to take other considerations.
Call it a different name each day of the week. Then you'd be able to mess with its perception of time by referring to it by the wrong name.
Call it Garfield and devote a webcomic to it so everyone can hate you.
Did this to my dog. Now he doesn't respond to any names; only gestures. :(
what is his name?
i think he's very cute by the way, i'm sure he'll grow out of the whole angry rodent thing.
i have an orange cat too, they're beautiful. hope you enjoy him :)
Yeller Cat.
We couldn't think of a name for my orange cat, so we just called him Kitty. Visitors must think we're retards.
Call him Squeakeater.
I just thought... isn't it funny that most 2channel mascots are cats and our admin is a mouse?
So now it's my job to go "JESUS FUCK FURRIES" and do some shocked AA face. B-but, I'm not good at AA, so orz^1000...
You're not good at Copy+Paste? :P
i say the best name to give any pet is squidgy.
I'd call my cat "dog" and my dog "cat" because I am hilarious like that.
Call your cat something really obscene, so that when people come over to your house, you can call the pets by that name freely. However, when the cat rubs up against them and they don't like it, or if they want to call over the cat to pet it, they'll feel embarassed and awkward all night!
My friend's cat ate pizza and it made a corner full of crap so be warned.
P.S. It smells very bad...
Well~, actually it's more like I can't copy and paste without it looking like crap. Thanks, Firefox~
agreeing with >>37
requesting details about the status quo.
Nice cat.. name Assassine... GroWwWw
post new pics of the cat!
if it is a he; then name him Kam Chai
if it is a she; then name her Shaume