Post weather data from where you are right now!
heat: 70°
humidity: 73%
wind: SSE/2mph
barometric pressure: 29.88"
Temperature: 13°
Humidity: 63 %
Wind: WNW 3 m/s
Barometric pressure: 1008 hPa
> 13°
Is that F or C? I used F, seems to be more of an international standard.
Temperature: 14°C
Cold if you ask me.
Temp 32.9°C
Humd 58 %
Wind SO 10
BPre 1015,9/FALL
"In 1954 the Celsius temperature scale was officially declared international standard."
lol - temp is "12°C" according to weather report ("updated every hour") but 28°C according to my own thermometer (and my good sense).
"Sky: Scattered Clouds" -> more like Cloudy, I would say.
"WSW 17mph"? Yeah sure. I wish there was any wind at all.
heat: not enough
humidity: too much
And in 1954, the US was also officially declared as Not The Centre Of The Fucking Universe. Seriously, it's not. There's also this awesome thing called the metric system...
Temp: cold, but bearable.
Humidity: Just fine.
66°F (that's 18.88889 Celsius according to the internet) and storming. Yet I continue to use my computer!
Wind ESE 8m/s
Temp 11°C
Humd 82%
Pres 997.8
pretty cloudy all day too, really nice ca. 23-ish, clear skies sun skirting the horizon etc. pretty cheesy actually
right now (03:38) to hazard a guess
wind: whateva probably 5m/s
temp: 4-5°c
humd: don't know don't care
pres: don't know don't care
sun's probably about to come up in a few minutes or something
maybe it'll be eaten by a gigantic zoloft pill
Tucson AZ 111 degrease Ferenhight out side
wind 0 mph
humidaty 10%
its like an ovon here and its barly noon
>>12 winnar
70 %
Rain. In your face, fucking god-damn sun!
43 degrese with no humitity... Tucson bosts some of the Highest tempritures in the western world
Mililani, Hawaii
temp 72F 22C
Wind: NE at 4 mph
Humidity: 78%
Temp: 15°C
Humidity: 82%
Wind: None
Between Oakland and San Jose, CA
22 C (72F)
Humidity: 51%
Wind: 17 km/h (10 mph) from the West
Clear and sunny
(Would be perfect if there were more clouds...)
The master auteur behind such works as Blue Velvet, Eraserhead, and Twin Peaks now reads you the weather, right here:
Northern Germany
28°C / 82°F
Humidity: 48%
Wind: SO/26 km/h or SE/20 mph
A few clouds on the sky, but bright and sunny mostly
Ontario, Canada
feels like 41°C with the humidity
WIND E 17 km/h
PRESSURE 101.34 kPa
CEILING unlimited
A few clouds. And a lot of smog.
25.3°C according to wall thermometer.
Servers keep me warm.
Frost wtf?!
Finally the good weather returned!
A storm is raging right now with awesome lightning show!
Weather forcast says today's high temperature is going to be 21°C.
Living in Northern Germany...
And it's October!!
All I know that it has rained for 18 days straight (Oklahoma). To be honest, I actually love it because I love the rain :D.
Michigan, United State
Current conditions (02:53 AM local)
• Sunrise: 05:59 am
• Sunset: 09:15 pm
• Heat Index: N/A
• Humidity: 74 %
• Wind: ENE 6mph / 10kph
• Visibility: 10.00 mi
• Dewpoint: 49 F / 9 C
• Barometer: 30.18 Steady