Orson Scott Card Has Always Been an Asshat (26)

19 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-06-29 05:14 ID:Heaven

> Correction, people have failed the morality test.
> I find it hard to blame a dogma for failing except in meaning.

National Socialism was a dogma, too. As were Communism and Judaism. Of the latter two, collaboration was the exception and not the norm, though (although it could be argued that Judaism has failed to be radical enough in its resistance). There is a correlation between ideologies and the masses that avow themselves to them and the actions then acted out by individuals within those masses.

Also, to say that only people have failed the morality test is the same as saying that there is no bigger perspective and economical, philosophical as well as psychological issues that have lead to the failure can only be explained from the perspective of the individual. This seems like a flawed reduction to me, for several reasons. Genocide not being the same as mass murder could be seen as one of them.

> There sure were a lot of them dying in concentration camps too.


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