Is this a new site? (6)

1 Name: DenshaOtoko!SGRPrwhmGE 2005-08-04 04:55 ID:f5cp/uER

Hey I usually am interested in any/all futaba 2ch type english boards and I didn't notice this one until just recently. Is it new?

Speaking of which, are there any english 2ch style boards I might have missed? Right now I have, worldch, and shii's BBS. Are there any more? Is this the best one in your opinions?

2 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-04 06:46 ID:V7TVAAeJ

> Is this the best one in your opinions?

Of course!

I believe 4-ch was created about November last year... Not oo sure, though. We should make a wiki entry for 4-ch history soon.

At least for the sites that use Kareha as their software, this could be helpful:

3 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-08-04 13:08 ID:hiaEva33

The two main ones are 4-ch and world4ch. 4-ch is the older of the two, although world4ch was more an outgrowth of 4chan's own boards which had been around since October.

> Is this the best one in your opinions?

Depends on what appeals to you. Quantity (world4ch) or quality (4-ch).

I do like one thing about 4-ch: the site admin takes this place seriously and wants to improve it. World4ch seems to have been left for dead after Shii was forced out (or whatever happened there).

4 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-08-04 13:22 ID:PDfWzfHI


4chan isn't exactly 2ch style, but if you still count that you've got iichan too.

5 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-08-04 13:33 ID:Heaven

> Quantity (world4ch) or quality (4-ch).

world4ch doesn't really have a higher posting frequency than, if anything, it's the opposite.

Besides, quality IS a quantity. The old Beatles argument: Would they have been regarded as awesome if they had just made one single album?

6 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-08-04 16:00 ID:hiaEva33

> world4ch doesn't really have a higher posting frequency than

Maybe the boards I visit misrepresent the aggregate. World4ch's programming and politics boards are more active, but the quality of the posts there is questionable (to put it mildly). I don't know why I visit there anymore, except to flame.

For great hilarity compare the thread titles in 4-ch's Politics board with World4ch's.

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