In this thread you talk to others or just yourself.
Anything that's on your mind is okay as a topic.
Have fun & don't shit up this thread! ヽ(´ー`)ノ is back. I like that.
I hope this time there will be less drama and more delicious wotaku stuff.
Some day I'll have some good reply for this thread.
School starts tomorrow.
The summer is gone so quickly.
I remember last spring, when I was writing this to world4ch.
In passing, we are reminded that things don't last forever
and realize why they are precious.
Of course, that can sometimes be a good thing.
I am pretty relieved my hangover from the weekend is fading away...
I had a great day today. Good food, good company, and everything just went perfectly, even when I was expecting it not to. Ahhh.... bliss.
I'm so angry that I wasted all of my summer away. The fun stops here; or rather, it didn't even start. I am angry at the world!
Suddenly, I realize.
All I do is play on the computer anyway.
It doesn't matter whether it's summer or winter.
I feel depressed, but what else can I do with my life?
Whenever I go outside, I get bored quickly.
Go to a developing country and help building up an infrastructure!
>>9 go postal.... then go jump off a roof of a tall building with a bunch of 'nades strapped to all the pins and you pull that shit out moments before you face plant in full bloody glory... then your corpse explodes, taking everyone with you to the next world
I think it was the cat that did it. Flying around in the look staring at the moon, terrifying the hell out of me. What made me wonder was the way it flew. It was not like a bat but like a cow jumping over the moon trying not to block the light while not being able to and being too small while tring to be a cat in a bat's body jumping over the moon. The moon is so bright.
>I think it was the cat that did it. Flying around in the look staring at the moon, terrifying the hell out of me. What made me wonder was the way it flew. It was not like a bat but like a cow jumping over the moon trying not to block the light while not being able to and being too small while tring to be a cat in a bat's body jumping over the moon. The moon is so bright.
There is no reason.
I slept on my arm, it was completely limb and just hung from my body, I couldn't move it for the first few seconds, it was funny.
I did that once too (arm under the head). I was 15 at the time.
When I woke up I couldn't feel a thing. Needless to say, that was a scary few seconds. I thought I'd killed it or something.
Sometimes, when I am really tired, I lose my sense of perspective. Literally. I no longer have any idea how big things are. I'll be browsing the internet on my two-meter monitor that's sitting across the room, using my two-milliter mouse with my five-meter long arm.
It's great fun, I wish it would happen more often.
Something similiar used to happen to me when I was younger.
Sometimes, when I'd close my eyes at night and was just starting to dream, the visions would unexpectedly become very large, as if they were shoved into my inner eye.
> my arm, it was completely limb
tee hee.
I'm not a native speaker! I meant "numb"!
I didn't really mean to mock the mistake, it was just an interesting substitution. A limb that was limp and numb?
I suck with names and faces.
I'm the kind of guy who wouldn't recognize one of my teachers if I bumped into them outside of class.
Me too. I forgot your name already.
Well i have a habbit of messing up anems, don't know why, but people take real offense to that.
Well, it should be fine as long as you don't call your girlfriend by another name during sex ^^; or anywhere else, for that matter
I did call an ex of mine the name of another ex several times.
Boy, I'll never hear the end of that, even now.
Last night I watched a documentary about the psychological/philosophical/semiotical differences between the west and the far east.
One hypothesis that some scholars from both hemispheres proposed was that westerners were more likely to clearly seperate different parts of reality (most notably evil & good) and were more affirmative of light, hope, etc.; while the Japanese were more likely to accept the yin (the dark part of yin/yang duality) and to perceive reality as something that has to be unified somehow.
Also, they interviewed some convicted Japanese canibal who was released from jail but who expressed his wish to die, as him being alive forced him to constantly be reminded of his guilt of killing (the woman he ate). He was also filmed meeting a young (and really pretty) woman who had a sadism/torture/death fetish. She told a story about how she dug out an animal corpse she had buried with a friend a few days before (when she was very little), then sticking her hand in the warm, decaying and maggot infested body and how she felt total ecstasy from that. She also said that inflicting pain on men, cutting them with razors, drinking their blood, etc. were giving her exceeding levels of lust.
Later, both of them were filmed in an apparment, talking about cannibalism. The canibal said he'd like to be eaten by the girl, and how he dreamt of that. The girl said she thought eating the one you love and be eaten by the one you love would be a very intimate experience and that she'd like to die that way.
Another notable thing was the Ajase complex, as proposed by Kosawa, a Japanese student of Freud. They talked a lot about different conceptions of motherhood in east & west.
I also liked the part where somebody mentioned that males were mostly striving for "small perfections" by excluding everything perceived as imperfect and how that limits males typically, while females are more capable of accepting and incorporating more parts of reality, but as they are also able to fail, they usually end up in much bigger heaps of confusion if they do.