i went to a party to celebrate a friend achieving the right to have a midlife crisis (aka 30th birthday party) yesterday, and i was hit on something heavy by a woman i think is 27-30 years old, which is quite peachy n' all, i mean, she's cute intelligent and everything, i scored a phonenumber n' all.
but, there is total thunder in paradise, turns out this woman owns not only an apartment (which is just cool, she earns approximately ten times what i do apparently), but she also has a dishwasher. Which these oldtimers spent no small amount of time discussing, actually referring to their dishwashers as their 'babies'.
Now once i heard the dishwasher thing i felt completely intimidated and awkward, for no good reason or anything, i mean, it's just a dishwasher and she's completely out of my league n' all. Maybe i feel intimidated by the fact that people around me are actually growing up while i've pretended to be 20 for about four years now (am 22 now).
discuss or something
peace out