In this thread you talk to others or just yourself.
Anything that's on your mind is okay as a topic.
Have fun & don't shit up this thread! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
My online class tests were due Monday, but I hadn't received my book so I informed my teacher and she gave me until 9:00 AM Wednesday morning.
Received my book Tuesday morning, studied Tuesday afternoon and evening, fell asleep, woke up at 1 AM, and decided to take the test right then... only to find the links were dead. Crap.
>>488 I was up at that time too. I'm always lonely, though, but mostly because people scare me, so I avoid them IRL, even though I like them, too. It's very confusing and depressing. ._.
Hello my name is >>486, i think engrish is funny even though i don't speak a drop of japachinmongoliowapanese
i am a total fucking loser
my credentials include watching A Christmas Story five times straight over christmas break and reading religiously because it is hilariously filled with hilariosity
"you'll shoot your eye out!!!"
haha, even after the hundredth time it's still other favorite is "all your base are belong to us", i think it was from an anime
it cracks me up every time
wow they failed hard eh
I wound up buying the condo. It's pretty nice so far!
Nice stuff!
Nice body!
There are some great things on the internet. And by that I mean great pornography.
What is up with pornography? What makes it so morally wrong but still draws you into watching them?
Whats wrong with people who say that pornography is not morally wrong. What losers who wont admit whats wrong is wrong.
Whats wrong with people who say that pornography is morally wrong. What losers wont admit that pornography hurts noone and adults should be allowed to make up their own mind.
Oh yeah they're right-wing Christians lololololol
> admit that pornography hurts noone
That's not quite fair. Regardless of the effects of viewing it, I suspect a lot of the "actors" are badly mistreated when they're off-camera. It's depressing.
I think 4-ch has gone to shit. And I think I helped with it.
You see, I was one of the people who originally thought both /l&r/ and /personal/ would be good additions to 4-ch, as it would help it expand into untapped, potential markets. I guess that didn't fail.
However, the audience that came along with it...
Those boards are the reason I'm decided to stick around here :D
fuck this
I'm not going to read the rest of the thread and I'm going to talk to myself.
Girls are so pretty. I could sit and daydream about girls all day long if given the chance. Girls trying on different outfits, cute outfits, skirts and dresses, posing and modeling, thats so pretty but try on this one, the lavender top, it matches your ribbons, all day long. Girls brushing their teeth then reading on their bed before they go to sleep in my large black shirt with incomprehensible graffiti on the front. Girls punching me in the stomach, as hard as they can, when I say something mean. Girls playing coldplay on the piano when I'm trying to study.
Well there was this fob guy in my class today.
The teacher asked him, "How's it going"?
He said, "Verr goot."
I couldn't help but smile for the first time today.
>>511 My friend, I can't help but notice that you're addicted to wakachan. You should pay very close attention to the 'Special Interest' boards, especially Ribbon and Niche.
Remember, is superior.
This weekend I gave MDMA powder to my christian girlfriend. Later on I enjoyed watching her and her best friend licking each other's pussies. She would never have imagined being able to do such a thing. It was hawt. A good time was had by all.
I punched a wall because I failed an exam and my little finger broke. i got a cast over it, When writing the next exam I ran out of time because the cast was in the way. I didn't get extra time , the teacher hates my guts.
I promised my self this is the last time I act on my thoughts.
I have a question.
When passing on the street and someone is so rude that they stare at you blankly as you walk by, do you smile or glare, sneer?
They don't speak or smile, they just look at you with this unreadable expression where it looks like they need a drool cup.
Just ignore them, I guess. I probably frequently look like I'm staring blankly, when I just happen to be looking in a certain direction, and not necessarily at anyone.
Stare back. And if he doesn't react, keep staring untill he does. Then, we will end up being friends. Friends are good.
The problem is that they are not men, but these middle aged hags. If it were a man I might smile.
Then try giving them a ridiculously warm-hearted smile!
Alternatively, give them a superior scorn-filled look & smirk.
Might make them rant about it for the rest of the day.
I'm posting this from uni. Just finished a wonderfully productive games tech lab. Now I get to ride London'e lovely underground train. I feel sad for no good reason.
I can't help but feel that I've failed at life. I'm a senior in high school about to graduate and I've realized I missed out on many things. I never went to parties, never gotten drunk, never been in a relationship, never smoked or anything. I never bothered to join any clubs or sports teams. I've never been to any school dances and don't plan on going to prom. I have no idea what I want out of life. I don't have many interests. I've accepted that I'm a loser and that I'll never be good at anything. What's there to look forward to in life?
I feel that way sometimes too. Although I've done a few of those things, I do feel like I missed out on the general high school life. My advice to you would be to go to a big college and stay in the dorms. I would have zero friends right now if I hadn't gone to a boarding school my last 2 years of high school. As long as you make an attempt to interact with people, you're bound to find at least a few good friends. There's sports and clubs in college, too!
I just found out i got expelled from the top university in my country for the program I was in, due to my overall laziness and procrastination. I'm now posting this from work. I'm going to re-apply to another university come summer, but it just makes me feel i've failed at life by missing out on this great chance at graduating from a great university, getting the ideal job etc.
College is the place to experiment. First of all you start over, so you can make new friends who know to party. Then you can get drunk/stone/laid as often as you want (just don't get caught by the RAs). You can play sports in the intramural league, go to semi-formals. I still know kids who stay in their rooms on the weekend and play WoW while their roommate scores with a chick.
>>527 speaks the truth. College is a second chance - seize it! Unfortunately, I didn't... I didn't join any clubs or groups (except the anime club for 1 semester...) And while I may have gotten a decent education and I do have SOME good memories...
Definately live on campus. One of my best memories is standing in our dorm parking lot at 1:30 in the morning on a Friday night, drunk off my ass, bellowing the chorus of "Barrett's Privateers" and having my roommate attempt to teach me how to skateboard.
Don't think about the past, use the present to improve your current life. Think about what you want, and then do it. Don't let anyone decide or judge your life for you.
I'm in a similar situation, >>528-kun, but I'm looking on the positive side. I think my laziness stemmed primarily (well...maybe secondarily) from the fact that I really didn't want to study what I was studying. I rushed into it, and made myself believe that's what I wanted to do, and was scared to admit that I didn't actually like it as a major.
But now, because my grades were terrible (five fails in the last semester) I'm out, changing degree, and now I'm looking for Universities offering Japanese as a major! ヘ(^^ヘ)(ノ^^)ノ
PS: Are you in the UK, 528-kun? If so, how are you applying at this late stage?
>>528 here. I was originally set on a CS major, but now after examining the variety of jobs available to a CS grad...I'm starting to think i could be in a similar situation as you eg not really enjoying what I was studying. At this point in life, I'm currently a year or two younger than all of my fellow students, and I still have no idea what I really want to spend my life doing. Of course, this could just be a rationalisation to make myself feel better about dropping out. And no, I'm not in the UK - I'm in Canada to be specific.
>>533 - How weird, I was also a CS major, studying at the University of Toronto as a foreign student. I'm now back in the UK looking for alternatives, i.e. schools offering Japanese, unfortunately there aren't very many, and the deadline for applying has passed, so I'll probably have to wait until September 2008 to begin...sigh.
>>534 WOW, I have applied to both CS and Software Engineering for UofT, small world. And I also wanted to go into arts instead, but my drawing sucks and i don't have time to practice :/
My sister and her bf are playing on my compy. Hope they don't find my... private files. That would be awkward :D:D:D
I've had a cramp or something in my left hand all day :(
fuck fuck fuck! i failed a test i study all week for. and according the average, this was a pretty fucking easy test.
I made some mistakes and decided to enter university as a mature student. I needed more qualifications, so I've been studying a course at my local community college. In my classes I am one of two 21 year-olds; we are surrounded by 17 year-olds.
The kids frequently attempt to mock my interests, such as photography, design, programming, Japan etc. This doesn't bother me, but it does get tiring.
I am surrounded by morons. They are unintelligent, have no willingness to learn, are without talent, do not care about doing great work and are only interested in making a quick buck from 'this' industry.
I am in the wrong place. Hopefully, only for another two months.
Thanks 4-ch, I feel better.
Those 17-year old students you describe are basically what I used to be (although, I like to think that I was intelligent and talented, just lazy and not motivated) - hence why I'll be doing the same thing soon, applying for University as a mature student. (Probably as a 23 year old. =( That's really not THAT much older is it?)
I practically in the same case, but most of the people I know aren't that much older. But then again, it's porbably because of my major. (Engineering.)
I'm beginning to curse the day i first set my eyes on densha otoko. After watching the series, i somehow got inspired by it and started to feel for all those otakus out there. i really love the show then. Now, i get annoyed whenever is see my densha otoko files on my drive. i wouldn't dare to delete it cause i know i would regret it. the even more disturbing fact is why. why am i annoyed with densha otoko? is it b'cause of saori's overly cute face or densha's whining and crying?
3am in the morning i was in the library bathroom 'taking care of business' when this guy comes in and does uses the bathroom and leaves. however, when he leaves, he turns off the lights. fucktard...
why are people so gullible?
well i thought when i went to this site that there wernt going to be any memes! and wtf!
I never knew there were libraries open at 3am.
exact same fucking thing happened to me on tuesday. in a library and everything. there's no way you could use the urinal in that tiny bathroom and not notice the single cubicle was occupied, but apparently this guy was fucking blind. or just a tool.
I went to the toilet of a library at fucking 3AM and can you believe it those guys just leave the lights on all night so I turned them off. jesus what a waste of energy
I've had that happen to me before as well.
I guess if it was their own they would turn the light off before elaving, so they may have just forgotton.
Posting from work. Being on call sucks... especially when shit starts breaking 30 minutes before quitting time.
I really, really want to order a pizza and do some heavy drinking right now.
Pizza and heavy drinking... sounds really really niiiiiiiiiice...
So I just found out the guy I'd been crushing on likes me back.
In disbelief and foreign waters now.
I was studying A-levels, and I wasn't a jerk.
Scrapbooks, essays, projects... that's why I hate the end of school years. -_-
I don't know if that fucking bear has made things better or worse, really. Maybe it's the same.
Having a nice day so far. :)
Mou. I'm bored and lonely and it's like 4am so I should be asleep now. I had exams last week and they sucked, and I'm feeling really fed up about things.
I've got exams this week and I should be studying but i just can't concentrated. I'm so sick of it all.
And english is really driving me up the wall. It's so pointless at the moment. And we have to do it as a subject but I'll never use this kind of stuff at uni.
Ok now I'm just complaining but >>565, I know how you feel.
He approached me about it (not without the sound effects of his friends jeering).
He's not a bad catch. Too bad we didn't click (totally nothing in common makes for limited conversation). He's yet to cotton on though. I suck.
Go out with him once and see how things go. He'll probably get the hint that nothings going to happen and in the end one date can't kill you; it'll either be great, something to learn from or just something to laugh at later.
You know, I've actually done that before. Gone out with someone I didn't like, just so they would get the hint and leave me alone. It didn't turn out that great, I felt completely horrible afterwards. Not because I felt sorry for him, but rather I was sorry for myself. He was continually trying to feel me up and insisting on taking photos. Not to mention he was a stingy bastard and incredibly patronising.
But saying all of that, I would seriously consider doing what you suggested if it weren't for the bad timing of all this. Exams are here for me too, and at the moment I'm not really in the mood to deal with it. Plus I don't want him to lose his focus either.
Hope your exams go well too.
Stuck here at work today. Sucks, but that's what you get when you work for a retailer. Oh well, my group threw a 'because we have to work' party in the lab, so I've been chowing down on all kinds of goodies all morning. I won't be able to eat any lunch...
Did anyone just start summer session? First day for biology.
i cant talk to a girl i like for 9 months besides hi. GOD STRIKE ME DOWN
I just failed my first biology test due to not realising there was a short time line and I spent 3 hours doing the labs to prepare.
Okay, Anonymous B-Z, Anonymous A needs your help. I remember, a looong time ago, there was this website. A mythic website. You could type in the name of a band you liked, and in this cool flash-type display it would show you a whole crapload of simmilar bands, and diagrams of how they related to each other (with the most simmilar bands being the closest to your band's node). My question - does this site (or simmilar site) still exist, and if so, where???
#1. holy crap on the fast service
#2. perfect - exactly what I was looking for
#3. Can I have your baby?
A girl I like is gonna move in a few weeks. Fuck.
Is this sad in the way that two people in love are moving apart, or is it sad in the way that you never expressed your feelings?
-Thread resurrection-