General Purpose Rant & Chat Thread (698)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-03 07:54 ID:f62C1W/w

In this thread you talk to others or just yourself.
Anything that's on your mind is okay as a topic.

Have fun & don't shit up this thread! ヽ(´ー`)ノ

684 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-23 06:39 ID:fN8x0GMZ

Ahhh... it's been a while since I've been on 4-ch.

This place is nice.

I like it.

Pity it's so slow. If this place were faster it would be the most epic English site on the Internet.

685 Name: Homo Fag : 2008-03-23 15:21 ID:iIPfcgvO

Who wants to suck my cock?

686 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-23 16:37 ID:hxdoBm/F

okay, as long as you're not too ugly

687 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-23 17:45 ID:iIPfcgvO

i am not ugly but my dick is not so big

688 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-23 23:59 ID:hxdoBm/F

i can deal with that. as long as its not like micropenis.

689 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-25 03:43 ID:ZEqA59hi

It's sad, I only seem to find myself back here when I'm stuck at work, since most of the sites I regularly visit are blocked. Guess this one flies beneath the radar.

Hello 4-ch! I've missed you.

690 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-26 07:11 ID:/lFpxeA9

Who do you think you are!

691 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-28 07:06 ID:Qm2QlEXW

No, who do you think YOU are?

692 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-28 16:06 ID:BuoOaiUC


Hey, >>692 is an asshole, isn't he?

693 Name: Anonymous : 2008-03-28 19:40 ID:Up9ylsxk

>>693 is a total fag with >>692. >>696 saw it.

694 Name: 666 : 2008-04-09 17:18 ID:aGGw3ig7

>>666 is not fag except with >>693

695 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-01 14:26 ID:GLcuvIbw

World4ch is down like the rest of 4chan at this moment. Did w4ch ever die with 4chan when 4chan died back in the days when it was separated?

696 Name: Anonymous : 2008-05-10 05:41 ID:Heaven

I like watching fags.

698 Name: Anonymous : 2009-10-10 05:23 ID:pd49AxPw

I just moved to Kentucky, randomly. I wish I hadn't, I feel like a foreigner and I want to give up and go back home.

Also...there is nothing cute here, I am having cute withdrawal. I need re-ment and towel cakes and there isn't one store that is cute enough to sell them!

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