General Purpose Rant & Chat Thread (698)

76 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-30 08:29 ID:Heaven

today was awesome! No work. I woke up at 11am and headed off downtown to meet a japanese friend of mine! We studied both japanese and english for little while. Then she had to go, so I went off to the chinese place and got very cheap food!
Sweet & Sour Chicken, 2 Liter of Pepsi, Rice, Eggroll, Soup! $4. And then I went off to the anime store and picked up a 1/100 RX-78 NT-1, I''s Volume 3, and a pretty cool Sakura (of Sakura Taisen) figure! I then went across the street to the arcade, played DDR, House of the Dead, Capcom Vs. SNK 2, and King of Fighters 2003. I headed home and when I got there, began building my model. Then I watched Suna Bouzu. After this I ordered chinese again since it was so great, sat back, and played Tales of Symphonia into the night, before getting online and posting on my favorite message boards/bbs and talking to my girlfriend.

For me, today has been the perfect day. A much needed one in the shitty amount of shit that's been happening lately, too!

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