[RANTS] Post your problems here (342)

15 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-25 23:34 ID:TXvHwgeI

I hate chemistry! I used to love it along with all other sciences, but now as I advance to higher levels in the field, I can't help but wonder:

For example, in grade 12 courses, we're learning about molecular shape. How the hell can anyone know about the structure and shape of molecules? We're given a ton of rules, then later told that, "Oh, that one is an exception to the rule." To me, it seems like bullshit! Why didn't they tell us about the orbitals inside of shells in the lower grades? Why the big 2,8,8 electron configuration "lie"? One cannot be entirely sure of the formation, but I guess one could create a theory using knowledge of interaction of forces.

On top of it all, students of Canada's education system are adept at helping teachers at their jobs. What is this precisely? Acting as if you understand. Not pointing out inconsistencies in the curriculum. Not pointing out inconsistencies in what the teacher has said.

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