[RANTS] Post your problems here (342)

165 Name: T 2005-12-10 04:08 ID:cxapoTyW

Everyone has something to offer the world... I bet you have interesting knowledge or hobbies, but you just don't consider them to be interesting.
Well, as long as you are a reasonably nice person you have something to offer. Don't strive to be the best of the best or the greastest and most fun guy in the world, because maybe that just isn't your strong suit. Making friends is one of those things that can be difficult and awkward, but the best advice I could give is find a club or group of people that share your interests. Friendships come easily that way.

Yeah, take vitamins and EAT WELL. I don't think people realize how much diet and activity level has to do with happiness. Seriously. Physical hobbies will definitely help. Learn the bo staff or something!

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