Hello, 4-ch! I want to hear your troubles! Post what you're worried about.
Feel free to ridicule other posts. We're all just bored, spoiled souls.
what do you do when your personality changes everyday?
im not calling dr phil.
Do what you've always done~
The gameboy SP was really poorly designed:
-The buttons are too small
-Its too thin to provide a good grip
-The top screen moves the center of gravity so its even more uncomfortable to use
-Top screen really isn't neccesary at all
-The carts are needlessly small (easy to lose)
-The carts have exposed pins
i meant to post in the 'Thread for finding "DQN" or "VIP" in your ID' thread, but accidentally posted here instead.
That's a big problem. Tell us more about it.
That woman was supposed to come look at my car today at lunch, but she never called or showed up. Doesn't she realize I have a test at 2:00?! :mad:
Bleh, her messenger had left a message with my family telling me to call back today. Not knowing that, I had called her about an hour later, and she told me I would receive a call today. Additionally, my teacher said he would call her to day (for me?)
So who's calling who?
dunno, lol.
I wish those people would call me, though. They said they had to make sure they could get the loan... but they also said they would call me around 9:00am! It's almost noon now! I took off of work and everything... geez.
In Soviet Russia, Duke hates you!
I lack attention span.
Some bus driver wanted to beat me up and get my car towed off by the police because I parked at a bus station. I drove away, now I fear that I might get in trouble with the police.
I have to face my ex-gf this spring/summer holiday.
I'm too lazy/have no good motivation to lose weight/exercising.
My next official work starts september, but I can't find a decent paying job to bridge me until then.
I can't get a decent sleep cycle, mostly I spleep at day because I got nothing decent to do (or actually are too lazy to do anything, like for example writing my novel), so I'm awake at night and trolling the internet.
I got some scratches in my 10.000€ car.
I'm a bitter virgin.
The guy whom I worked for until december doesn't want to pay me what he owes me.
Hm, yeah.
I feel a cold coming on.
Valentine's day is coming up...
that wouldn't be much of a problem if people didn't keep reminding me about it
I just found out that I've got to hurry up and take another shitty correspondence course if I want to graduate in May.
Are you sure it's the wrong thread?
wtf is that shit, what thread were you trying to post that in?
is that a problem??
It's epson advertisement.
My problem:
I usually sleep in pajamas, however I decided to find out how it feels to sleep naked so I took everything off. It feels real good.
I decided to come here and post in the "post here if you're naked" thread, but I can't find it. :(
Sleeping naked is the best. That way you don't wake up with your pajamas surrounding you and shit, tangled and wrapped up in your legs when you toss and turn. It's the worst feeling ever!
no, sleeping in a nightie is the worst ever, because it rides up as it gets tangled during sleep, and you wake up with wrinkly pajamas smothering you up top, but totally uncovered from the waist down.
>>214 sounds liek a scene right out of an H game.
It's Valentine's day.
No chocolates so far... :(
pics plz
Fuck you dude, i'm in school and couldn't resist some konkon :(
hopefully administrators are H!P fans
>konkon as in rorikon?
Yes, being why it is a problem.
an American/European guy who sits alone on valentine's day, waiting for girls to shower him with chocolates = wapanese
:goes off to weaboo up L&R:
i need to move to japan, i spent like my entire pay check on my girl today. and what did i get in return? a kiss and a smile.
thats worth more than anything in the world, at least to me, or mabye its not. least you got a girl though =P, i think thats good enough
My problem is I can't figure out where >>205 was trying to post.
yeah you are right, i kinda bitter when i wrote that because i i had to write a paper and couldnt a lot of time with my girl.
I have a problem: there have been no new posts in this thread since I last checked.
Reminds me of my middle school days.
School jobs are piling up over me and I haven´t got the attention span to deal with them.
Also; I´m starting to run out of money.
Also; I´m trying to do techno, but I suck at compression.
Also; my friend keeps beating me at Go.
I went to the school cafeteria, got my food, prepared to pay... and they said 'we can't take credit cards today.' And I didn't have any cash.
I had to throw away perfectly good food.
tell /music/ about your compression woes. we're here to help.
I've got a scab in my right nostril.
I´m grateful.
My computer is electrified. I get small electric shocks from touching it and I constantly hear a buzzing sound in my earphones. I don´t know what to do about it and I currently can´t afford to have it repaired.
Don't worry about it. My computer "shocks" me too. Usually its because the outlets in your place don't have a third prong for grounding. You also might want to check the connection between your PC and headphones. The just might be some dirt in there...at least that's what I think.
....Now where was I. Ahh, yes, my problems. Where do I begin?
Everytime I write something on 2ch, I get this heart warming welcome message as a reply: いい加減にしろ
I guess no one takes me seriously.. orz
My job does not pay anywhere near what I am worth.
Why is it that so much fanfic sucks?
And why is it that when you finally find a good story, the author never gets around to finishing it?
There's nothing more depressing than seeing an epic, multi-part series that was last updated in 2002... :(
::::::::: :.::. . . Λ_Λ . . . .: ::::::::
:::::::: :.: . . /彡ミ゛ヽ;)ヽ、. ::: : ::
::::::: :.: . . / :::/:: ヽ、ヽ、i . .:: :.: :::
 ̄ ̄ ̄(_,ノ  ̄ ̄ヽ、_ノ
Dude, you read fanfic. You have bigger problems than the one you mentioned.
i'm drinking bad coffee
i'm drinking too much coffee
Or maybe the converse: you're not worth anything near what your job pays?
Thank your god you're not a starving African!
i'm not drinking coffee
i need to drink coffee to keep up in my classes.
i cant focus on my history paper
im drinking pirukuru. it's tera good.
It´s too late.
I can't find the Crappa Mikey topic
I'm fucking sick.
A few nights ago I had diarrhea, after that I just didn't feel good. Today I had to go to the hospital and get an IV because I was dehydrated. I still feel sick but it really helped.
Such fun.
i dont go out anymore cuz everyone i know is a cunthead
I have a big zit on my cheek. Does anybody know any quick remedies for deflating pimples?
I've been told you can grind up an asprin, mix it with a bit of water to make a paste, and put it on zits. Supposed to help clear it up, they say.
slowly going insane
I quit my job, the manager kept bullying me so I called her a miserable woman and quit right there on the spot. Now I am having a horrible time finding work. It was a good feeling at the time, but after checking my bank balance...it does not feel so nice. No more designer purchases for a while it seems...
I understand. I'm about fed up with my current job, but I'm used to the money - it'd be hard to scale back my purchases.
I've embarassed myself by offering poor examples in class about 3 times already, and we've still got 30 minutes to go.
I'm going to shut up now.
>>261 wow, you're reading 4-ch from class?
On the Apprentice some just described himself as "a baller." No. You're white. STFUAD.
my harddrive on my laptop crashed and i lost all the data on it along with all of my notes and midterms start next week.
I kept thinking that I AM SPARTACUS reincarnate
It's damn near impossible to find pants where the zipper doesn't bulge out in an embarrassing manner.
I like when the zipper bulges and people look at it.
Upon reflection, I find the stereotypical female anime fan to be slightly creepy.
Do they feel the same about us? :\
A good portion of the people here are probably female so you really are messing up, assuming your reader is male like that
I though what he meant was pretty clear from the context
well my bracket is completely busted
I know from Skype that there are at least two (2) females in 4-ch!
2 females and one sounds like a high-voiced guy apparently
How interesting, how interesting.