Hello, 4-ch! I want to hear your troubles! Post what you're worried about.
Feel free to ridicule other posts. We're all just bored, spoiled souls.
i dont go out anymore cuz everyone i know is a cunthead
I have a big zit on my cheek. Does anybody know any quick remedies for deflating pimples?
I've been told you can grind up an asprin, mix it with a bit of water to make a paste, and put it on zits. Supposed to help clear it up, they say.
slowly going insane
I quit my job, the manager kept bullying me so I called her a miserable woman and quit right there on the spot. Now I am having a horrible time finding work. It was a good feeling at the time, but after checking my bank balance...it does not feel so nice. No more designer purchases for a while it seems...
I understand. I'm about fed up with my current job, but I'm used to the money - it'd be hard to scale back my purchases.
I've embarassed myself by offering poor examples in class about 3 times already, and we've still got 30 minutes to go.
I'm going to shut up now.
>>261 wow, you're reading 4-ch from class?
On the Apprentice some just described himself as "a baller." No. You're white. STFUAD.
my harddrive on my laptop crashed and i lost all the data on it along with all of my notes and midterms start next week.
I kept thinking that I AM SPARTACUS reincarnate
It's damn near impossible to find pants where the zipper doesn't bulge out in an embarrassing manner.
I like when the zipper bulges and people look at it.
Upon reflection, I find the stereotypical female anime fan to be slightly creepy.
Do they feel the same about us? :\
A good portion of the people here are probably female so you really are messing up, assuming your reader is male like that
I though what he meant was pretty clear from the context
well my bracket is completely busted
I know from Skype that there are at least two (2) females in 4-ch!
2 females and one sounds like a high-voiced guy apparently
How interesting, how interesting.
Someone stole my mom's purse and it's partially my fault because I wanted a sandwich from subway :(
I just bought the Queen's greatest video hits vol 1 and 2. I want to rip only the audio in 5.1 surround. I can't seem to find something that will let me do that in linux. =(
See post #58 at the "ITT we use DQN as a blog (58)" for my problem.
∧_∧ (´<` ;) Mine too, >>289 ;;
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I just spent all day unsuccessfully trying to get a work PC to play nice with a SATA card.
Either the world hates me or >>I is an idiot. :(
I've spent the last 2 weeks dealing with dead and flaky motherboards for a single PC.
Σ( ;゚Д゚) Tornadoes are coming this way!
>>294 Me too and my poor doggie is stuck outside :_(
there are plenty of american hikikomori. you just don't know about them, well, 'cause they're hikikomori.
sorry, that reply above seemed really random, it was in response to a comment that i didn't know was old.
hmm, a rant. this is probably a common one, but i hate my dad. :(
Got confessed to twice in past week or so.
Ignored both of them.
Feeling guilty now, but still extremely pissed at the distraction.
I have way to much money and free time. Plus I'm ridiculously handsome. Basically, my life sucks.
I am pledging for a fraternity and it sucks
I've spent the last 35 hours playing Fate/Stay Night, but only the first route is translated. WHY???
Makes me wish Moon was an obligatory part of my public education, like English is over there. I might be at least able to make out more than a few phrases that way.
I want to go to japan, but I am stuck here in Moscow, I dont see any way out of this. I am just an ordinary student still have 3,5 years till the graduation. I study very bad and my mom pays for exams often. It costs a lot for our family, but I am stupid. My dream is to find a job in japanese firm..
I want to die.... X(
I shot some people and now the cops want to throw me in jail!!
WTF??!! This is America dammit!
I'm free to kill whoever pisses me off. It's my right and that's why we have guns!
I live too far away from my girlfriend. We only see each other a couple times a week.
I hate myself and I want to die
because it's cold like winter.
Turned the heater on himself.
I'm a female fatty.
What a coincidence! Last night I hung out with a fatty for about an hour and I wanted to hug her the whole time.
But I didn't because I was shy.
I want myself a fatty but I don't know where to look for one.
I don't have a social life. I'm not sure exactly how this happened. I just stopped having friends and things in high school.
I don't think I have any social disorders, I suspect any problems with chit-chat are just for want of practice. I'm not panicing or breaking down when talking to people, and I don't think I say anything socially inappropriate.
I don't look particularly bad. Not beautiful by any means, but not at all horribile visu. I'm tall and skinny and I wear collared shirts and slacks or jeans-I could easily be lost in a crowd. Maybe my hair is a bit off putting (it's long and curly, a combination that basically makes it a giant brown haze about my head).
My interests aren't such that can't have a conversation with another person. I don't really folllow sports, but I keep an eye on current events, I enjoy some popular bands, I read a lot of literature. Currently I'm in college majoring in computer science and ancient studies. I don't really have any unsufferably nerdy interests like anime or video games, and whatever interests I do have I try to keep balanced with everything else.
Maybe what happens is no one talks to me and I'm not daring enough to try talking to anyone. The end result is that I live in a world of silence and it's terribly depressing.
what in the world why did I just type all that i'm not sure if I'm going to post this or not, maybe I'll close the window.
Apparently to have a satisfying social life you have to first show interest in others. The more you listen to them and show interest in what they are doing the more they like you. It's... annoying, but to have any kind of social life I'm kind of forced to do it! It's come so far that when they ask of my activities and how I feel, I have no real answer and wish they'd not ask me and that they'd just continue on about themselves.
This in part is also a reply to >>310 But what do I do about my situation?
Not really, they're all taken.
Only skinny chicks left at your place.
Sucks to be you.
Hey me too. Come over to my place and let's bawwwwwww together.
How skinny? Anorexia is gross but no one likes fat chicks...well someone does...nevermind.
I should be drawing comic pages but I'm distracting myself from them... and I have 2 days left to put them together to be ready to show at a convention. ('A`)
No, there's not even skinny chicks left. There are no single women left here or anywhere, as far as I am aware. Every one I've talked to during the twenty years I've lived is either with someone, lesbian or both. I've talked to the pretty, the ugly, the fat and the skinny ones. Yes, I realize at least some of them must be lying to me about it, but it doesn't make any difference, since they don't want me.
It does suck to be me.
I need help/advice!
Ended a relationship shortly after graduating from University. Now finding it extremely hard to meet new people, and worried that I will never find another GF. _| ̄|○
Life is as boring as hell... Same routine every day: wake up, go to work, come home, make dinner, watch jdrama, go to sleep, repeat.
Secretly hoping one day will come when there will be a drunk guy who will harrass a hot chick on the train, giving me the chance to come to the rescue.... Too bad that shit only happens on TV.
I'm a fairly smart person. I used to make excellent grades, and passed all of my classes with flying colors. A's and B's, with an occasional C.
About half-way through last year, I started to slip. Just a little, but I was still doing worse than usual. I started making C's in a few courses.
This year, I have to bust my ass to pass anything with a D, save any History or Information Technology classes (which are few). I'm getting bitched about this a lot.
My dad has driven us into debt. Basically, to sum it up, my dad is a dumbass. He loaned his gas card to his brother, who was working for him, which let his wife use it. So he was paying for three people's gas bills. He was also paying him during the winter, when nobody was working.
So, not only was he paying for three people's gas bills, but he was also paying his brother when he wasn't working. Yeah, he's a fucking genius.
Now he's picked up an addiction to internet gambling. He keeps those bills secret, so we don't have a clue how much he owes with that.
We get calls nonstop from bill collectors. I get them so much, I've made up a game. I turn of any sound making device, and I put the phone on speaker, and lay it down. I remain silent, and see how long the spokesperson stays on the line.
My record is one minute and thirty seven seconds.
I cannot function properly without love. It is very important for me to be able to do what is right without love. I consider this to be THE badge of strength and courage. However, this test is incredibly horrible as it quickly puts me into what I would can only describe as a nightmare. What sets me apart from others is that I choose not to except love whenever it arises. I decline all friendships and relationships that come about daily. I'm not angry about it, I refrain with a smile. But after time, such actions cut like a knife. People see the despair in my eyes. People make hateful comments about life around me, hoping that I might nod in agreement. I make those with anger, angrier. I intensify negativity. Yet I still believe that one must be able to carry out his intentions regardless. Essentially I claim that I can:
eat properly
exercise properly
work properly
study properly
without any form of entertainment such as TV, internet(fail), music, or masturbation, or drugs, or alcohol, or as mentioned previously love.
but im failing hard without love, which is why i am here.
Being proper = utter despair... (common sense)
My penis is huge. Woe is me...
My penis is huge. Woe is me...
I have a mild stroke everytime someone double posts three minutes apart.
I have a huge Procrastination problem, and it's worse while taking High school sports (wrestling).
Anyone could help me cure this?
I think that this one girl might have a thing for me, but then I think she doesn't, but then I think she does. I can't make up my mind about that!
Being so ronery
i do not understand what one girl wants from me.
damn, and i want to fuck her so much, but her replies (and acting) is totally random (she varies between seducing me and then the other day she acts totally sterile)
oh why
I'm ronery at Christmas!
Its so small, sorry!
I always get more depressed when I'm in love.
And I hate being openly emo about stuff.
So I keep it in.