<@Lain> WTFux and IICHAN are going to merge. This is final. The site layout will change soon.
hurr durr
Lain is an idiot. ( ´,_ゝ`)
< chase> Dear Lain: Fuck you.
Hopefully they won't use that lame iichan sidebar layout. It has double-spaces between each of the links. How crappy!
Correction: Lain, BlackMage and Nobuyuki are idiots.
Together, they'll have the brunt power and larger user base to take over after 4chan's probable downfall!
They shall call it,
this is the most retarded shit ever.
wtfux is fucking terrible.
good job.
now more dumbasses will be on 4-ch and this will turn into world4ch! YAY.
And so ends the days of iichan being a relatively nice image board...
Way to go. =\
when you merge, please leave the cat forum ^^
Meh. WTFux could have joined wakachan whenever (except where they duplicate existing boards), they just didn't want to. And it's not as troll-ridden as some people seem to think. There's some interesting people there.
>>9 this attitude wouldn't be a contributing factor as to "WHY ... this BBS (is) so unlively compared to 2ch?" now would it? ;-)
I'd just like to make clear, amidst all the obligatory sarcasm and irony, that 4-ch.net is NOT iichan, only linked from iichan and that all discussion about iichan and wtfux merging should keep this in mind.
That's probably why Lain put the other thread here. Sort of neutral ground.
Nah, it's because he's too lazy to update Kareha on /wcd/
so long iichan :(!!
well so much for having a 4chan-lite, bring along the wtfux guys and this place would be 4chan-extra fattening.
why is it that you guys (the ones who have names) never talk / contribute except until stuff is actually happening? lolocaust posts once a millenia, and I never even HEARD of ashuri
> lolocaust posts once a millenia
I post all the fucking time, I just don't think I need to plaster my name on each of my posts. Also, "Ashuri" is probably a very wapanese way of spelling "Ashley".
> lolocaust posts once a millenia under that nick
Hay I'm here too
No, deletion of shit posts which are not in this board's interest.
If you want to post shit, go here: http://4-ch.net/dqn/
This is the most retarded forum ever made.
Haha, you posted "fuck fuck lol" - that was all.
Stop posting stupid shit in here, that's all from me.
Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out &c.
look at this way now iichan will gain a troll army
I post stuff all the time, its just mostly on bijin, /2/, /fem/ and a couple others...
It seems that the image board communities yet haven't understood that handles (and TRIPCODES) are stupid and unneccesary in most cases.
Oh no not that debate again! Quick! Hide! Hunker down!
>>which are not in this board's interest.
That's one person's opinion.
>>which are not in this board's interest.
>That's one person's opinion.
As oppose to it being the final HOLY truth handed down by our LORD , and thus 100% OBJECTIVELY CORRECT? ; )
iichan really is full of dorks :(
oh no dorks
Posting guro cat is the path to cool, right?
Truly, iichan's side menu is poorly designed!
I'm an alien who implanted a piece of metal in Lain's body.
The other day I visited the earth, abducted Lain as a sample of the earthlings. I tampered with his body to gather data of the earthlings.
But I made a terrible mistake.
Lain's fat body is a nonstandardized article as an earthling.
He is unemployed, and on top of that he has no friends.
All day long he is sitting in front of the personal computer, clattering clattering, clattering the keyboard.
I am fed up with this job.
Boss from mother planet yelled at me for this failure.
He said, "Select your specimen more carefully!"
This is the first penalty I get since I have been assigned to The Earth Observation Party.
The human mutilation is not easy task.
Next year I am demoted to the charge of the cattle mutilation.
I am just about to go to The Area 51.
As for Lain, I leave him entirely up to you. Do as you like.
> Truly, iichan's side menu is poorly designed!
I'd be happy if someone would elaborate on this.
How can it be made better?
I am not >>40 but I think there's too much clutter there what with CSS and highlighting and different background colours for different elements and all. It's just too much design where there isn't really any need for it. Unneccessary design usually just gets ugly to the eye sooner or later.
I'd strip everything off except maybe the collapse feature, leaving a simply white background with normal, standard links.
The highlighting serves a purpose, if you hadn't noticed. You don't need to click on the board names to open, them, you can click anywhere on the line. The highlighting is a hint that this is possible.
I enjoy the functions that allow you to compact the various sections Images/Discussion/Adult, maybe it's only to users of IE, but it seems as if every item within those sections is doublespaced. It's really annoying because it makes a relatively small menu twice as long as it needs to be, and requires a user to scroll down to see.
Refer to 4-ch side menu and you'll see that they don't have doublespaces and because of this you don't have to scroll down so far to see what's there. At the very bottom, you'll see they start to doublespace between Rules/Requests/Donate/2ch Portal/etc, which is bad :(
In my opinion, the bad feature of the iichan layout is the double-spacing. Scrolling in a frame isn't fun at all :( I noticed that there isn't a doublespace between Type-Moon and Yuushoh board in Niche Anime. Maybe you want to compact the rest of the side menu, or doublespace these 2 as well?
Just downloaded Firefox, looks great ^^; I guess it isn't too compatible with IE though
What do you mean, "compatible with IE"? You can import many stuff like bookmarks from IE, if that's what you mean.
They meant that iichan's side menu is double-spaced when viewed with IE.
Oh..... I'm dumb then, nevermind.
>>49 Yeah. Prolly from something in wakaka.css because if I remove it then the double spacing goes away.
Wha? I can't do that. I disabled all Javascript except "Change Images", is that why? Firefox 1.0.7.
are you looking at iichan.net or 4-ch?
The superior portal!
SPOILERS: wtfux dies.
I've kept the old behavior on wakachan.org, because it allows me to put links and (new)/(moved)/(closed)/(whatever) on the same line.
Should I follow iichan.net's suit?
so it looks like the unification of iichan and that steaming pile of filth is called off eh?
btw, where are the picturepersons going to migrate to?
so it looks like the unification of iichan and that steaming pile of filth is called off eh?
btw, where are the picturepersons going to migrate to?