[IRC] Anonymous Network [IDEA] (28)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 07:54 ID:39FpUJ18

Please note: To really understand this thread, some knowledge on IRC might be needed! What is irc?

 ( ´∀`)< don't forget to check out #4-ch on irc.zirc.org

This is just something i thought up sometime ago.
For awhile now i've had this idea for an Anonymous IRC network. Basically, upon connect change a users nick to some form of Anonymous.

My original idea went something like this:
Have really only one main channel since I doubt this would be a big network. Ban !@. Set +e (except) on the nicks (For example +e Anonymous!@) and then set +N so no one can change their nick once they enter. Also, disable nickserv.
There'd be one or two ops just to make sure nothing got out of hand or really dumb.

I don't personally think this is a great idea, just something going around in my mind. What do you guys think? I think it might be neat, but we're doing fine without it and wouldn't really benefit from it. So, do you have suggestion on how to improve this idea, or are you interested? Perhaps we can make it a reality.

7 Name: Sakurina 2005-09-26 11:36 ID:qcbwV8E2

You can see whoever logs in's hostname, making it non-anonymous...

8 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 11:39 ID:Heaven

Could be countered with bouncers.

9 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 12:26 ID:Heaven

You could always apply a mask to their hostnames to protect their identity. Many irc servers offer this service and I dont see why you couldn't mask eveyone on default.

I've never dealt with ircd's before, so now im playing around with dancer (what freenode uses) and unrealircd. I'll see what I can find.

10 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-09-26 12:44 ID:Heaven

> they are forced anonymous to Anon-32345 or Anon-20032

Which means you can still differentiate people.

This might be a good thing though. Considering that quite often several conversations occur at once in an IRC channel, it could be terribly confusing if there was no way to track who was saying what.

Well, try it for yourself. According to RFC2811, setting a channel +a will make it anonymous. I don't know how many ircd actually support it, and some seem to use +a for other things.

11 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 12:48 ID:Heaven

Differentiating people for the span of a conversation is something else than having (semi-)fixed handles. It's more or less what ID codes on here can be.

Trivia: 4 of the 5 most popular boards on 2channel have IDs enabled and forced.

12 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 15:06 ID:Heaven

right, I meant to address this is my first post. Set a user on a mode to hide their hostmask.

>>4, >>6
I also meant to address this. Yes, forcing someones nick to "Anonymous1", "Anonymous2", "Anonymous3", etc.

Which boards?

13 Name: 11 2005-09-26 15:09 ID:Heaven

Look here: http://stats.2ch.net/suzume.cgi?yes
Boards post rates fluctuate all the time, though, so my comment might be off.

For a comprehensive view about what ID types are enabled on each 2ch board, please see:
and http://www.d1.dion.ne.jp/~noripo/etc/2ch_id2.html

(See also http://ansitu.xrea.jp/guidance/)

Trivia: To see all the config settings of a 2ch board, just append SETTING.TXT to its URL:
http://etc3.2ch.net/qa/ → http://etc3.2ch.net/qa/SETTING.TXT

14 Name: 11 2005-09-26 15:11 ID:Heaven


IDなし = ID Disabled
任意ID = Arbitrary ID (ID disabled if something is in your E-Mail field)

15 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 15:52 ID:Vdg3m0cN

任意ID is totally ridiculous, so of course that's why it's the Kareha default.

16 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 15:57 ID:Heaven

Im new around here, and >>15 just solved the 'every id is usually heaven when they sage' question that I have yet to ask.

17 Name: 11 2005-09-26 16:05 ID:Heaven

Even more trivia:
Some boards have even funkier settings, >>14 lists just the main ones.

強制IP = FORCED_IP → your IP is included with each post.
IDなし+任意リモホ = Arbitrary ID + "Rimoho"(?) (I don't really understand this one, the info may be outdated but the morning coffee board (second/most popular board on 2ch) has this one)
強制リモホ = FORCED_"Rimoho"(?) - again, no idea
半強制ID = Half-compulsory ID (only certain keywords/regexps will hide your ID)

18 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 16:10 ID:Heaven

"Rimoho" is short for "Remote Host" (リモートホスト)

19 Name: 11 2005-09-26 16:13 ID:Heaven

Thanks for clearing that up!

Now I only need to know what that means in this regard, ID code and all...

PS: Sorry for derailing this one, >>1! I am backing out as soon as this last mystery has been solved.

20 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-26 22:59 ID:Heaven


Why is it ridiculous?

21 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-27 03:04 ID:Heaven

I beleive what he meant is "it doesn't make sense"

but an email address often gives reference to who you are.
in theory disabling the ID like this should give one form of identification while lacking another.

In practice, the only thing people enter in their email address is sage.

22 Name: 11 2005-09-27 07:52 ID:Heaven

I see people entering their e-mail adress all the time on here.
On Futaba Channel it is also common to enter the URL of your site in there, if you are an artist. It seems like most artists don't want to openly advertise their site, so they kind of hide it in the e-mail field - only recently some boards there updated to versions that would generate hyperlinks.

I'd still like to know what this whole RemoteHost_ID thing is, btw.

23 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-28 02:33 ID:Vdg3m0cN

It prints your remote host, like frik543435.broadband.ne.mediaone.net

24 Name: 11 2005-09-28 05:16 ID:Heaven

Ooooooh, yeah, I could have thought of that myself. Thanks.

25 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg!!MF8+ySC1 2005-09-28 09:56 ID:Heaven

>In practice, the only thing people enter in their email address is sage.


26 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-28 13:31 ID:Vdg3m0cN

It appears that a post has been made which puts >>21 to shame. All rise for the entrance of Alexander to this unworthy thread.

27 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-28 20:04 ID:39FpUJ18

This thread is back to being about IRC!

28 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-27 07:02 ID:7DrA7ddm

vHosts work fine.
They could be server enforced...

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