Some here:
"Swedish6.jpg" hums at filename
sooo.. Here's a free language lesson:
in swedish, the number "6" is spelled "sex".
the number 6 is in fact a homonym to the word sex (spelled the same way in swedish).
So, gutterminded bilingual people can interprent the file name in a very wrong way...
Pretty sweet pictures, even though they are all potential murderers! (´-`)
I especially liked the Israeli chicks (hawt, say what you will) and the Chinese as well as the Taiwanese (ROC) ones. I agree with >>2 that that Vietnamese girl takes the cake, though. What a shot, I wonder for what occasion it has been constructed.
no i would have to say that this one looks like she can get it done.
Lol the top Swedish picture in is actually the Swedish crown princess Victoria...
The Croatian woman is HAWT! Love a chick in uniform.