Female Soldiers from around the world [Pics] (10)

3 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-28 20:25 ID:Heaven

4 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-09-28 22:10 ID:GKQA5JHo

"Swedish6.jpg" hums at filename
sooo.. Here's a free language lesson:
in swedish, the number "6" is spelled "sex".
the number 6 is in fact a homonym to the word sex (spelled the same way in swedish).

So, gutterminded bilingual people can interprent the file name in a very wrong way...

5 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-01 18:13 ID:FbQt/DYC

Pretty sweet pictures, even though they are all potential murderers! (´-`)

I especially liked the Israeli chicks (hawt, say what you will) and the Chinese as well as the Taiwanese (ROC) ones. I agree with >>2 that that Vietnamese girl takes the cake, though. What a shot, I wonder for what occasion it has been constructed.

6 Name: Dan 2005-10-01 19:58 ID:ewwzuAgp


no i would have to say that this one looks like she can get it done.

7 Name: Dan 2005-10-01 19:59 ID:ewwzuAgp

8 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-09 00:00 ID:+tVhavWN

Lol the top Swedish picture in http://www.irandefence.net/showthread.php?t=29 is actually the Swedish crown princess Victoria...

9 Name: MegamiNoShimobe 2005-10-28 13:49 ID:GA9BPAt8

The Croatian woman is HAWT! Love a chick in uniform.

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