Uighur district (originally it is East Turkestan) (14)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-01 08:27 ID:MM8kCGVe

The Uighur district (originally it is East Turkestan) in China is
slaughtered by the Communist Party of China, and is troubled by oppression now.
Although people of East Turkestan are resisting in quest of independence,
on the other hand, the Communist Party of China is executing people of Turkestan
as a terrorist on the target. People of East Turkestan are in pain still now.

1.forcible abortion of the 8,500,000 babies of - east Turkestan was carried out by China.

2.750,000 people from East Turkestan died by the radioactivity of the nuclear test of the
Communist Party of China.

3.500,000 people of East Turkestan were slaughtered.

There are many these victims farther than the victim of the citizen by the Iraq war.
However, the tragic state of East Turkestan is seldom known in the world.
We let you know pain in East Turkestan all over the world, and will protest against China.

2 Name: Sakura-tann!CAERF1YrA. 2005-10-01 08:47 ID:Heaven


3 Post deleted by moderator.

4 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-01 09:39 ID:4detSj8f

I want more people to inform of the brutality of China.

5 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-01 10:04 ID:Heaven

Is this the famous "kusosure"?

6 Name: !.38tuXtuXs 2005-10-01 14:51 ID:VEXSd1tB

It is not kuso enough. Yet.

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