anybody planning to move to Japan to live and work? Here we can support each other and reach our goal!!
I think this kind of thread would fare much better on the 日本語 board. Just saying...
What's a shorter word for "future expat"?
What jobs do you gaijin have that are currently in Japan, or what jobs have you had if you are no longer there?
Please stop shitting on threads with rude kopipe.
how hard was it to find a job in japan? Im moving to Hokkaido since living expenses are cheaper and life is more relaxing then stressful tokyo.
That is great. Someone needs to put that in a dictionary somewhere.
Nah, but if some comedian is going to start another one of these threads, it'll get deleted.
this is 4ch discussion at it's finest.
4 out of 16 is on the subject, the rest is Dqn.
More like 4 out of 17 18, am I right?
( ´∀`)Join the warm brotherhood of shitty threads!
<derailbacktosubject>I'm majoring in Japanese, and hope to be an english teacher over yonder someday, in a smaller town. I hate big cities.</derailbacktosubject>
That's the main job Americans have over there... Being an English teacher.
All you really need is a BS and common sense.
Personally, I would want to try living in Japan, but I would suck as a teacher.
So I'll probably just visit, unless I find something else. You never know.
Well, I have plenty of prior teaching experience. It's really the only thing that I feel I'm good at, ore moreover, enjoy fully.
That and during a homestay I did in Niigata, it felt more like home than this place ever did...
>That and during a homestay I did in Niigata, it felt more like home than this place ever did...
I hope you figured out the trick with the quicksilver flasks.
Do I sense a superior mind enlightening the masses? All rise for the entrance of Alexander to this unworthy thread!
I dunno, I think Alexander is so-so. Besides, does he plan to move to Japan in the future?
I'm enough of a fanboy to want to at least go there at some point. If I'll stay for two weeks or more than a year I don't know yet. Does this give high enough street cred?
In Japan, they will appreciate my superior wit!