People planning to move to Japan in the future (28)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-12 04:31 ID:8HfqScDc

anybody planning to move to Japan to live and work? Here we can support each other and reach our goal!!

2 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-12 04:41 ID:Heaven

I think this kind of thread would fare much better on the 日本語 board. Just saying...

3 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-12 20:09 ID:B8jf5jeK

What's a shorter word for "future expat"?

4 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-12 20:25 ID:Heaven

What jobs do you gaijin have that are currently in Japan, or what jobs have you had if you are no longer there?

5 Post deleted by moderator.

6 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-12 22:48 ID:Heaven

Please stop shitting on threads with rude kopipe.

8 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-13 02:19 ID:8HfqScDc

how hard was it to find a job in japan? Im moving to Hokkaido since living expenses are cheaper and life is more relaxing then stressful tokyo.

9 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-13 02:49 ID:Heaven



10 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-13 03:30 ID:Heaven

That is great. Someone needs to put that in a dictionary somewhere.

11 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-13 06:57 ID:JY4QVUNz


Those threads should be merged! :p

12 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-13 07:55 ID:Heaven

Nah, but if some comedian is going to start another one of these threads, it'll get deleted.

13 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-13 07:55 ID:Heaven

>>12 was directed at >>11

14 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-13 10:38 ID:JY4QVUNz


I was kidding. The isn't PhpBB.

15 Name: 12-13 2005-10-13 10:48 ID:Heaven

I know.

16 Name: 11, 14 2005-10-13 13:35 ID:JY4QVUNz




17 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-13 16:55 ID:9A/yrZ/t

this is 4ch discussion at it's finest.

4 out of 16 is on the subject, the rest is Dqn.

18 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-13 17:02 ID:Heaven

More like 4 out of 17 18, am I right?

19 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-13 17:41 ID:Heaven

( ´∀`)Join the warm brotherhood of shitty threads!

20 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-13 19:16 ID:JuJU7t+k

<derailbacktosubject>I'm majoring in Japanese, and hope to be an english teacher over yonder someday, in a smaller town. I hate big cities.</derailbacktosubject>

21 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-13 21:10 ID:Heaven

That's the main job Americans have over there... Being an English teacher.

All you really need is a BS and common sense.

Personally, I would want to try living in Japan, but I would suck as a teacher.

So I'll probably just visit, unless I find something else. You never know.

22 Name: >>20 2005-10-14 04:07 ID:Heaven

Well, I have plenty of prior teaching experience. It's really the only thing that I feel I'm good at, ore moreover, enjoy fully.

That and during a homestay I did in Niigata, it felt more like home than this place ever did...

23 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg!!MF8+ySC1 2005-10-15 08:38 ID:Heaven

>That and during a homestay I did in Niigata, it felt more like home than this place ever did...

I hope you figured out the trick with the quicksilver flasks.

24 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-15 14:42 ID:U8qaziUQ

Do I sense a superior mind enlightening the masses? All rise for the entrance of Alexander to this unworthy thread!

25 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-15 16:07 ID:5voJEeh8

I dunno, I think Alexander is so-so. Besides, does he plan to move to Japan in the future?

26 Name: Alexander!DxY0NCwFJg!!MF8+ySC1 2005-10-16 02:55 ID:Heaven

I'm enough of a fanboy to want to at least go there at some point. If I'll stay for two weeks or more than a year I don't know yet. Does this give high enough street cred?

27 Name: Alexander!tRyJXuwXg2 2005-10-16 15:15 ID:Heaven

In Japan, they will appreciate my superior wit!

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