The Creative Writing Thread - Blog Friendly (12)

1 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-28 23:00 ID:GmZIODvx

This thread is for creative writing poetry and writing profiles. Pre-written blogs are favored in this thread. Enjoy your time and the starter material below. A good resource for free books on line is where with a good search you can find the collected works of shakespeare and the rise and fall of the roman empire with no problem.

2 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-28 23:02 ID:Heaven

what the shit, BLOGS? GTFO!

3 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-28 23:27 ID:eUJqzaPO

Hey, Christopher... take a creative writing CLASS, please.

4 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-29 02:09 ID:uQPiGwIG

I would like links to free, contemporary online fiction that is not incredibly boring and useless to read. The genre doesn't matter, just as long as it isn't boring.

5 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-29 02:28 ID:Heaven

It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents--except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness.

6 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-29 05:14 ID:eUJqzaPO

>>4 read some nanowrimo winners.

7 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-29 05:25 ID:Heaven

I hate blogs... sorry!! :(

They are meaningless, no one reads them, they just boost peoples self esteem in a negative way. Blogging encourages people to think they are 'right' about stupid matters like being po because their neighbour has a better car than them and such.. so they go to their blog to write about it.. who cares!?

8 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-29 17:17 ID:eUJqzaPO

people have been doing that for years before the internet. cf the life and collected works of Larry Niven

9 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-10-30 06:07 ID:Heaven

>>6 thank you. That was a perfect example of what I wanted to read. It was very readable and held my attention for a long time. Hard to believe it's a nanowrimo story!

10 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-11-04 09:54 ID:Z7b0eSWk

The Prophecy of The Pear and The Legacy of Prasys The Great.

The Economy of The Pear and The Rise Of The Beat Pears Part II.

11 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-11 11:17 ID:Heaven

Here is a really good author, he's my friend. He writes contemporary fiction and short stories and such. I hope you enjoy it.

12 Name: Random Anonymous 2005-12-11 11:18 ID:1Su0+b+b

^^bump for a cool link^^

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